Undercover Construction…

Since we all know that a bit of light hearted goss never goes astray, I just thought I’d give you the heads up regarding a bit of the big changes going on behind the scenes with Beauty Marked!. The Beauty Marked! Team has been working hard to bring you a new and improved and uber tjuzed up Beauty Marked! Site. The Get Even More Gorgeous With Beauty Marked! Blog and the Beauty Marked! Online Beauty Magazine will be merged and loads of crazy cool features will be added. Fingers crossed this bigger than Ben-Hur project should be finished by April 08.

Without giving too much away there will be additional extras like online beauty seminars to further enhance the ongoing beauty and grooming seminars that Beauty Marked! leads around the country. There will be greater search-ability of the Site for more effective use of the wealth of information contained across the Site and subscriber only areas just for starters. Thank heavens much of the drilling, sawing, and hammering will go on offline, so not too much should be disrupted with the existing Beauty Marked! resources, which is great, well…until we go live that is. Wish us luck that the work continues to go smoothly and that there won’t be any big breaks in your Beauty Marked! reading pleasure. It’s all so very exciting! Gosh, you have no idea how hard it is to not let this great big beautiful cat out of the bag. So, until then, my lovelies, keep shinning brightly and know it won’t be too long before all is radiantly revealed. *doing the silly-crazy-little-kid-excited dance*

February 25, 2008. All things beauty, beauty tips, grooming, makeup tips, beauty tools, skincare tips. 1 Comment.

The Now That’s Just Too Easy Face Scrub.

Here’s another beaut bit of skincare folksy fabulousness that’s just amazingly easy to make and works wonders. For an effective scrub in a flash, mix a heaped teaspoon of ground rice into 2 level teaspoons of fresh natural yoghurt and give it a whirl! Rinse off well in warm water and normal to dry skins can prepare to be dazzled by the gorgeously smooth and moisturized finish of this mechanical come lactic acid exfoliator. I tell ya, I’m just diggin’ the Folksy Fab!

February 18, 2008. skincare, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

The Now That’s Just Too Easy Face Mask.


This face mask is just so easy and incredibly effective, it’s nearly criminal. If you’re prone to pimples and other nuisance eruptions this is the face mask for you. Dip a few clean, fresh cabbage leaves into boiled water for a few seconds to soften and then leave them on a plate to cool completely before placing on your face for about 15 minutes and you’re good as gold. This quickie face mask acts much like the good old fashioned mustard poultices grandma used to make and still work a treat. Pretty neat, huh?

February 17, 2008. skincare, beauty tips, skincare tips. 2 Comments.

Beauty Sleep.

We’ve all heard about it, but how many actually think its more than just a way our mothers used to coax us to bed when we were young? Well, we at Chez Beauty Marked! are pleased as punch to say that not only is there such a thing as beauty sleep, but what an incredibly important type of sleep it is too. Quality sleep is an integral part of good emotional, physical and mental health. When we get our beauty sleep, the body goes into hardcore regenerative mode. During beauty sleep, our tissues and organs (of which the skin is the largest) sets about major reparative work. Our hormones, particularly growth hormones, are at their highest levels and exert their greatest influence while sleeping and they’re hugely responsible for cellular renewal. What is the most noteworthy thing about beauty sleep is what happens when we are running a bit short of it. A string of nights sans not much by way of quality beauty sleep can be highly stressful on our bodies on many levels, while manifesting itself both internally and externally. This increased stress, which comes about as a direct result of lack of beauty sleep, has been shown, through scientific research, to actually speed up the aging process! Our sleep enticing and sagely advice to you is to hit the hay hard and you’ll be sure to find the Fountain of Youth in your dreams, absolutely. So, sleep tight and …don’t let the bed bugs bite!

February 15, 2008. beauty tips, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

Nice Day For Ducks…

I don’t know about the weather in your neck of the woods, but in Beauty Marked!’s, it’s been pretty abysmal. Light showers one minute, scorchingly hot and humid the next followed by hail, threats of hypothermia and hideous torrential downpours. The weather has just been unreal and more labile in the shortest space of time than most makeup maven’s FOTDs can, quite possibly, stand. This crazy, ultra changeable weather reminds me of a fun, spirited article I once came across on the web titled, ‘makeup for a monsoon’. Gotta love the web. Oddly enough, I recall it offering some pretty good tips to keep in mind and the stellar pearls were pretty much in accord with anything I could come up with. Lets see…from memory, the monsoonal makeup essentials were:

Waterproof mascara
creamy lipstick in a trans lip/cheek type colour
Long last gel eyeliner
Powder eyeshadow or loose pigment
Cream blush
Powder blush

Makes sense to me. The only things I recall not on the list, but would be an ever-so-useful BM! addition to the Makeup Mavens Monsoonal Makeup Essentials would be:

Lip and Cheek stain
Mineral Makeup
Colour-free Lip balm

With these three added items, you’d be pretty sorted. The lip and cheek stain would be a fab base for when everything else either melted or blew off in all wonky weather. Mineral makeup is generally pretty water resistant, easy wearing, lightweight, and protective while offering you a medium coverage for the most part and doesn’t tend to go manky with heat, sweat or rain. Lip balm…well this ought to be everyone’s staple beauty item as it can be swung in a great many directions with masterful effect for the most part. What other beauty product can you think of that can double or even treble as a hair styling product, cream eyeshadow and blush when mixed with pigment, and function as a spot makeup remover in a pinch? Lip balm can freshen up most makeup when tending to running repairs, all the while acting as a sneaky bit of moisturizer for those rogue ashy patches that can become manifest in the mayhem of the weather of the moment. *idea*

I don’t know about you, but I think you’d be better than sorted if you battened down the hatches with these beaut meteorologically inspired bits of makeup magic in your arsenal. In fact, you’d be one darling ducky indeed.

February 13, 2008. beauty tips, makeup, grooming, makeup tips, hair, beauty tools, skincare tips, lips, makeup trends. No Comments.

Beautiful Affirmations For A Beautiful You!


Today is a magnificent day. I go forth and spread beauty and light. I love my body and my spirit and celebrate the beauty that comes from both within me and around me. I release any feelings of guilt as they do not heal nor support me and I embrace, approve of myself and create joyous situations that do support me in being the wonderful person that I Am!

February 7, 2008. All things beauty, beauty tips, beauty tools, skincare tips, Affirmations. No Comments.

Bene Babes Unite!


A gorgeous little birdie just told me some seriously exciting news: As of April 2008, Benefit Cosmetics Australia will be opening its very first Benefit Boutique! The Benefit Boutique will be located at 94 Oxford Street Paddington, New South Wales Australia and will be showcasing Benefit’s full range of products, including ‘Fake-its’- Benefit’s quick fix beauty solutions and makeup, skincare, and fragrance. Benefit beauty consultants will be on hand to take customers from now to WOW!

In April, the Benefit Boutique in Paddington will also be pleased to introduce Benefit’s regarded and well established beauty services menu to Australia, which will include professional brow shaping, brow and lash tinting, and bikini waxing!
*happy dance*

Be sure to check back with Beauty Marked! for more goss as it comes to hand. Because you know me…If I know it, you’ll know it!

February 6, 2008. skincare, beauty tips, makeup, grooming, makeup tips, new products, beauty trends, fragrance, beauty tools, skincare tips, eyebrows. No Comments.

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