Beauty Sleep.

We’ve all heard about it, but how many actually think its more than just a way our mothers used to coax us to bed when we were young? Well, we at Chez Beauty Marked! are pleased as punch to say that not only is there such a thing as beauty sleep, but what an incredibly important type of sleep it is too. Quality sleep is an integral part of good emotional, physical and mental health. When we get our beauty sleep, the body goes into hardcore regenerative mode. During beauty sleep, our tissues and organs (of which the skin is the largest) sets about major reparative work. Our hormones, particularly growth hormones, are at their highest levels and exert their greatest influence while sleeping and they’re hugely responsible for cellular renewal. What is the most noteworthy thing about beauty sleep is what happens when we are running a bit short of it. A string of nights sans not much by way of quality beauty sleep can be highly stressful on our bodies on many levels, while manifesting itself both internally and externally. This increased stress, which comes about as a direct result of lack of beauty sleep, has been shown, through scientific research, to actually speed up the aging process! Our sleep enticing and sagely advice to you is to hit the hay hard and you’ll be sure to find the Fountain of Youth in your dreams, absolutely. So, sleep tight and …don’t let the bed bugs bite!

February 15, 2008. beauty tips, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

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