The Now That’s Just Too Easy Face Mask.


This face mask is just so easy and incredibly effective, it’s nearly criminal. If you’re prone to pimples and other nuisance eruptions this is the face mask for you. Dip a few clean, fresh cabbage leaves into boiled water for a few seconds to soften and then leave them on a plate to cool completely before placing on your face for about 15 minutes and you’re good as gold. This quickie face mask acts much like the good old fashioned mustard poultices grandma used to make and still work a treat. Pretty neat, huh?

February 17, 2008. skincare, beauty tips, skincare tips. 2 Comments.


  1. Jazmin replied:

    Interesting! Any idea how it works? I imagine the cabbage must have some sort of antiseptic qualities?

    Thanks for sharing it!

    February 18th, 2008 at 2:57 pm. Permalink.

  2. Beauty Marked! replied:

    Pretty neat huh? I guess it works because cabbage being in the mustard family has the magical ability to draw out impurities quite effectively. Therefore the wayward eruptions get both drawn out and dried up rather quickly. I hope this helps. Big thanks for your comment too by the way. :D

    February 20th, 2008 at 10:17 am. Permalink.

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