The Linger Factor.
No, no, not The Eiger Sanction. Nor does this post include Hemlock, awesome mountain climbing sequences, retired hit men, nor albino dragons for that matter. Admittedly though, one could draw some freakish parallels, but thankfully, this post is all about making your favourite fragrance linger on. So many great scents, so little linger. Has that been your experience of late? Well, here’s a few tips that might just up the Linger Factor of your chosen fragrance du jour:
-Layer. Layer. Layer. So nice we had to say it trice. Themed layering of your favourite fragrance will absolutely give you scentsational length. Showering with perfumed shower gel, moisturize in the same scented lotion and follow up with several strategic spritzes of the hero perfume and the Linger Factor will improve exponentially.
- Strategic positioning of your fragrance will certainly up the ante as well. Place your perfume in areas that will maintain a little gentle friction and warmth to continually and coquettishly refresh your fragrance. Place a small spray of perfume on the fold of your inner elbows, at your cleavage, on your neck just below your chin, and…of course, behind your knees. Your body’s warmth will release subtle ethereal wafts throughout the day which are just pure pleasure.
-Wear oil based scents for ravishing redolence. Where the alcohol in most fragrances tends to evaporate within minutes of applying the perfume taking a fair bit of the scent with it, oil based fragrances will stick around a bit better. Perfumed oils are especially stellar if they’re comprised of gorgeous naturally based, high calibre carrier and essential oils.
Don’t forget too, that many times, our fragrance is still wafting about, but we just can’t smell it. After a while, one gets desensitized to a particular smell if we wear it often. Our noses just don’t seem to notice it after a bit. So it doesn’t necessarily mean that our perfume has given up the ghost or is lacking in The Linger Factor, if we can’t smell it continually throughout the day. It’s more than likely still there, but our nose has moved on to other things, as fickle as noses can be. Resist the temptation to pack it on, because you’ll, more than likely, be treading in the realm of the ‘Over Perfumer’- a place you don’t want to go. When it comes to over perfuming, don’t be like Clint in The Eiger Sanction, but resist the temptation to do that last ‘hit’. Kapow! Enough said.
Spoilt For Choice.
And not before time, I say. L’Oréal Paris introduces De-maq’ expert to our beauty-FULL world. The L’Oréal Paris De-maq’ expert range is designed to aptly address our need for highly effective makeup removing cleansers that are tailored to our skin’s concerns while being able to stand up to the super pigmented, long wearing makeup we adore. L’Oréal Paris De-maq’ expert range consists of 5 professional formulas which have been adapted to suit the needs and desires of a variety of women and have been both ophthalmologically and dermatologically tested. Each product in the L’Oréal Paris De-maq’ expert range boasts outstanding efficacy when faced with even the most stubborn makeup and leaves the skin feeling supple and, most importantly, immaculately cleansed.
The L’Oréal Paris De-maq’ expert range:
Cashmere Milk Complete Make-up Remover- This soft formula is for individuals who find water too harsh on their skin and who are looking for maximum benefit and comfort.
Gel-créme Mousse Expert Make-up Remover- This cleanser uses the TIP technology (Temperature Inversion Phase) on a traditional oil-in-water emulsion, to create a formula containing a large quantity of oil dispersed in microscopic droplets. This is specially developed for those who prefer wash-off products that act to dissolve all traces of makeup without drying the skin.
Elixir Concentrated Gel Make-up Remover- For those using long-hold makeup such as waterproof mascara, lipstick, and long lasting foundations. The transparent oil-in-water mix transforms into a white milky lotion on contact with water.
“Milk to Toner” 2 in 1 Make-up Remover- This product was specially designed for those who prefer makeup removing milks and the effect of a toner. On application, this cleanser goes on thick and creamy, but when massaged in, it transforms into a milky toner that comprehensively removes makeup while toning in a single step.
Ultra Rich Make-up Removing Wipes- These are the perfect travel companion for those wanting to save time or for those who simply prefer wipes. De-maq’ expert wipes gently remove makeup without drying the skin.
What a fabulous selection! L’Oréal Paris De-maq’ expert range is available from August 2007 and available from selected pharmacies, department and variety stores nationally. And yes, you are so worth it! *wink*
Elephants Are Clever Possums.
For some reason, I always thought of elephants as the poster children for dry parchment-like skin. I know I’m not alone in this as I have heard many express a similar sentiment. I guess we could be forgiven for thinking that their skin is the way that it is, because of their continually having to brave the excessive heat and often harsh elements akin to their native environments. But the truth of the matter is, in fact, that elephants have extraordinarily delicate and sensitive skin. Go figure? So instead of resigning themselves to the hand they were dealt by Mother Nature, they instinctively know how to perfectly care for their skin. Smart cookies. As the sun easily parches and soon damages unprotected skin of all descriptions, elephant skin is just as fair game. The sun causes cuts and nicks in the elephant’s skin, which if left open and unattended, become a primo place for birds to pick at, insects to breed and for infection to gain access. I suspect a rogue Acacia tree’s barbed branch wouldn’t help matters much either. Elephants look after their skin by meticulously observing a daily skin cleansing and prepping ritual. After a daily wash to rid themselves of any parasites on their skin that have tried their luck since their last tub, elephants roll themselves in the dirt to form a protective barrier over their delicate skin. The earth not only seals the cracks and tears on the elephant’s skin and allows the healing to start, but prevents nefarious creatures from gaining access to them. The soil also acts as a highly effective sun filter, shielding the elephant from the harmful effects of its treacherous rays. They are such clever possums, indeed.
We could all take a leaf from Mother Nature’s How To book on skincare, for sure. I think I might have to pull up at the dirt rolling bit though, but certainly a liberal amount of sunscreen applied regularly and a swipe or three of mineral makeup are real possibilities. -That I could do!
*The great elephant pics and additional elephant info are courtesy of a gorgeous Beauty Marked!® reader, Beautifulmpa. She took these while out on one of her many wonderful adventures. Thanks! xx
Welcome To Ms. Necessity’s Corner.
Who in the ham fat is Ms. Necessity, you ask? Well, as luck would have it, Beauty Marked!® is pleased as punch to introduce you to our newest BM! editor-at-large, who most importantly and oh so meritoriously, just so happens to be the mother of invention. Ms. Necessity is a gorgeous, ever so resourceful beauty that’s near and dear to us all. She’s our beauty angel. Turn to her for quick thinking, sagely, tried and tested, and ultra nifty tips and hints. Ms. Necessity is also known as the virtual patron saint to D.I.Y.-ers, those who are time poor, cash strapped, to those who have memories like sieves when shopping (especially when it comes to much needed toiletries), and to all getters of even more gorgeousness. Ms. Necessity gets you out of shtook every time.
Have you run out of deodorant? Forgot to pick up more toothpaste? Is your hair a tad dry? Well, try these beauties, courtesy of Ms. Necessity, on for size:
-If you’ve run out of deodorant, never fear. Just race to the kitchen and grab a chubby pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and press it into your underarms after you’ve washed. This is sure to keep you fresh.
-No need to swoon because you blanked on toothpaste when shopping last. Just go the trusty baking soda and mix it into a paste with a squeeze of lemon juice and “brush, a brush, a brush ah!”
- Could your hair do with being a little less dry? Apply a tablespoon or so of warmed olive or coconut oil into your tresses and rub in well. Wrap your hair in a warmed towel, plastic bag, or shower cap and leave the oil to sit for at least an hour then wash out. Apply shampoo neat to your hair before wetting to ensure that the oil is thoroughly removed, then shampoo as usual. Ta da! hair that feels moisturized and full of bountiful brilliance!
Invention, your mother rocks!…Thanks, Ms. Necessity.
Step Away From The Scrubs.
Yes, I know. Your skin feels positively invigorated and is clear and flake free. Some would say glowing even. I might actually have to agree with you, but too much of a good thing can turn pear-shaped in an instant. Scrubs seem to work their stellar best when used once weekly for the most part. I know many scrubs are often prescribed for more frequent use, but for many folks that’s pushing the envelope, for sure. Skin that has fallen prey to too frequent exfoliation can get easily stripped of its much needed precious oils and will mutiny by producing even more oils (read: oil slick) in attempts to self preserve. Scrub-a-holics can end up with dehydrated skin that is evidenced by insatiably dry skin and fine lines that seems unable to retain moisture, despite your best efforts. This collateral damage is not warranted as you can totally maintain the “beaut” effects by using scrubs regularly: just once a week to artfully dodge any ill effects of over scrubbing. So despite how morish scrubs and their wonderful results can be, just remember what Tony the tortoise said to Jimmy the hare, “Steady on, Jimmy. S-S-Slow and steady wins the race.”
The Garden Of Beauty.
While stumbling across an esoteric forum on the internet, I was instantly struck by the sub text under the title of one of the sections in their special interest area. In the Health and Beauty Section (like I’m going to pass up an opportunity to visit this one) it had the following written:
“Health is wealth then surely beauty is what reflects it.”
How perfectly spot on, I thought to myself. This credo was right up my alley. It, absolutely, got me thinking about how accurate that simple statement really is. What came to mind for me was how incredibly important it is to take excellent care of our bodies both on the inside and out. It’s so very key to take good care because one’s outlook and self esteem will automatically flourish. Ensuring that your inner and outer beauty continue to grow and blossom will constantly yield gorgeous and plentiful crops of sheer abundance. Here! Here!
Ode To A Cotton Bud.
Just perfect art thou dual ended sticks of tightly bound pristine cloud. Faithfully tending to all our many cosmetic needs. Applications of all things beauty are effortless and adept thanks to your selfless service. Our gratitude extends immeasurable distances as thoughts are conjured during our next shop. For a brief purchase yields so much. As moments without you should not bare a consideration as you need always be there.