The Linger Factor.

No, no, not The Eiger Sanction. Nor does this post include Hemlock, awesome mountain climbing sequences, retired hit men, nor albino dragons for that matter. Admittedly though, one could draw some freakish parallels, but thankfully, this post is all about making your favourite fragrance linger on. So many great scents, so little linger. Has that been your experience of late? Well, here’s a few tips that might just up the Linger Factor of your chosen fragrance du jour:

-Layer. Layer. Layer. So nice we had to say it trice. Themed layering of your favourite fragrance will absolutely give you scentsational length. Showering with perfumed shower gel, moisturize in the same scented lotion and follow up with several strategic spritzes of the hero perfume and the Linger Factor will improve exponentially.

- Strategic positioning of your fragrance will certainly up the ante as well. Place your perfume in areas that will maintain a little gentle friction and warmth to continually and coquettishly refresh your fragrance. Place a small spray of perfume on the fold of your inner elbows, at your cleavage, on your neck just below your chin, and…of course, behind your knees. Your body’s warmth will release subtle ethereal wafts throughout the day which are just pure pleasure.

-Wear oil based scents for ravishing redolence. Where the alcohol in most fragrances tends to evaporate within minutes of applying the perfume taking a fair bit of the scent with it, oil based fragrances will stick around a bit better. Perfumed oils are especially stellar if they’re comprised of gorgeous naturally based, high calibre carrier and essential oils.

Don’t forget too, that many times, our fragrance is still wafting about, but we just can’t smell it. After a while, one gets desensitized to a particular smell if we wear it often. Our noses just don’t seem to notice it after a bit. So it doesn’t necessarily mean that our perfume has given up the ghost or is lacking in The Linger Factor, if we can’t smell it continually throughout the day. It’s more than likely still there, but our nose has moved on to other things, as fickle as noses can be. Resist the temptation to pack it on, because you’ll, more than likely, be treading in the realm of the ‘Over Perfumer’- a place you don’t want to go. When it comes to over perfuming, don’t be like Clint in The Eiger Sanction, but resist the temptation to do that last ‘hit’. Kapow! Enough said.

August 5, 2007. fragrance, skincare tips. No Comments.

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