Elephants Are Clever Possums.

For some reason, I always thought of elephants as the poster children for dry parchment-like skin. I know I’m not alone in this as I have heard many express a similar sentiment. I guess we could be forgiven for thinking that their skin is the way that it is, because of their continually having to brave the excessive heat and often harsh elements akin to their native environments. But the truth of the matter is, in fact, that elephants have extraordinarily delicate and sensitive skin. Go figure? So instead of resigning themselves to the hand they were dealt by Mother Nature, they instinctively know how to perfectly care for their skin. Smart cookies. As the sun easily parches and soon damages unprotected skin of all descriptions, elephant skin is just as fair game. The sun causes cuts and nicks in the elephant’s skin, which if left open and unattended, become a primo place for birds to pick at, insects to breed and for infection to gain access. I suspect a rogue Acacia tree’s barbed branch wouldn’t help matters much either. Elephants look after their skin by meticulously observing a daily skin cleansing and prepping ritual. After a daily wash to rid themselves of any parasites on their skin that have tried their luck since their last tub, elephants roll themselves in the dirt to form a protective barrier over their delicate skin. The earth not only seals the cracks and tears on the elephant’s skin and allows the healing to start, but prevents nefarious creatures from gaining access to them. The soil also acts as a highly effective sun filter, shielding the elephant from the harmful effects of its treacherous rays. They are such clever possums, indeed.

We could all take a leaf from Mother Nature’s How To book on skincare, for sure. I think I might have to pull up at the dirt rolling bit though, but certainly a liberal amount of sunscreen applied regularly and a swipe or three of mineral makeup are real possibilities. -That I could do!

*The great elephant pics and additional elephant info are courtesy of a gorgeous Beauty Marked!® reader, Beautifulmpa. She took these while out on one of her many wonderful adventures. Thanks! xx

July 24, 2007. skincare, beauty tips, makeup, grooming, skincare tips. No Comments.

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