Ms. Necessity To The Rescue!
Oh Shivers! Did your lipstick just break in two and one of the blasted pieces land smack dab on the front of your blouse or on your lap?! Oh, I hate when that happens. Luckily, our beloved Ms. Necessity (you remember…she’s the mother of invention) has a great way or two out of those little pickles.
*Cue super heroine music which is mega sultry and heaps cooler than Superman’s*
-To remove lipstick stains, dab the offending area with a small cotton bud soaked with eucalyptus oil and launder your blouse or garment as usual. On next wear, you’ll scratch your head and say, “where was that stain again?”
-To repair a broken lipstick bullet, use a match or lighter to heat and only just melt the ends of the broken pieces. Press the bits together and hold for a few moments, replace the cap and place in the fridge to cool and set. Viola! A mended lipstick!
Nicccccceeee. Thanks, Ms. Necessity! xx
All Aboard…
Some days it happens for most makeup mavens quicker than others. Every now and again, you get this feeling that your creative makeup ideas are a little light on the ground compared to times when your inspired masterpieces just come in a flash. My best suggestion to you for times when you find yourself in a cosmetic place that you really rather not be, is to hop the first thing smoking out of Rutsville.
Journey a bit further a field in search of gorgeous makeup trends that inspire you to create makeup looks suited to you and your infinite beauty. Catwalk makeup trends, as way out as they can be, are ideal places to start. Always feel free to recreate a look verbatim that takes your fancy or tailor it to what makes your spirits soar. The catwalk is great because unless clearly stated, you won’t often know the exact products used, freeing you up to use what you’ve got, which just doubles the excitement and satisfaction when you’re able to conjure up a fab look from your own coffers. Nice one. Not only will you be cleverly creative, but exceedingly resourceful at the same time. How cool is that? Another ace way to catch the proverbial train to more creative pastures, is to choose a makeup product and build your look around that. How innovative would you be if you designed a look around that “out of the box” orange or that molten metal eyeliner that you’ve been ogling for ages? You can, absolutely, do it. Come on, grab your makeup bag and away you go! Ooh, and don’t forget to send us a postcard!
* image courtesy of M.A.C. for Diesel A/W 08.
Elephants Are Clever Possums.
For some reason, I always thought of elephants as the poster children for dry parchment-like skin. I know I’m not alone in this as I have heard many express a similar sentiment. I guess we could be forgiven for thinking that their skin is the way that it is, because of their continually having to brave the excessive heat and often harsh elements akin to their native environments. But the truth of the matter is, in fact, that elephants have extraordinarily delicate and sensitive skin. Go figure? So instead of resigning themselves to the hand they were dealt by Mother Nature, they instinctively know how to perfectly care for their skin. Smart cookies. As the sun easily parches and soon damages unprotected skin of all descriptions, elephant skin is just as fair game. The sun causes cuts and nicks in the elephant’s skin, which if left open and unattended, become a primo place for birds to pick at, insects to breed and for infection to gain access. I suspect a rogue Acacia tree’s barbed branch wouldn’t help matters much either. Elephants look after their skin by meticulously observing a daily skin cleansing and prepping ritual. After a daily wash to rid themselves of any parasites on their skin that have tried their luck since their last tub, elephants roll themselves in the dirt to form a protective barrier over their delicate skin. The earth not only seals the cracks and tears on the elephant’s skin and allows the healing to start, but prevents nefarious creatures from gaining access to them. The soil also acts as a highly effective sun filter, shielding the elephant from the harmful effects of its treacherous rays. They are such clever possums, indeed.
We could all take a leaf from Mother Nature’s How To book on skincare, for sure. I think I might have to pull up at the dirt rolling bit though, but certainly a liberal amount of sunscreen applied regularly and a swipe or three of mineral makeup are real possibilities. -That I could do!
*The great elephant pics and additional elephant info are courtesy of a gorgeous Beauty Marked!® reader, Beautifulmpa. She took these while out on one of her many wonderful adventures. Thanks! xx
A Cheerful Reply…
To a comment from a cherished reader posted yesterday:
What eyeshadow colour would you recommend for everyday wear? I have olive skin tone, dark brown eyes and black hair. I want my eyes to stand out!
A hearty arsenal of everyday eyeshadow options heralds a true makeup maven. Even though I am a card carrying member of the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it club”, I still feel it’s a sign of the savvy to have several staple options on hand to suit every eventuality. While EOTD (eye of the day) looks tend to be more on the neutral side of spectrum, they needn’t be boring. Although matte shadows do have a place, it’s often best to have a little bit of finely milled shimmer or barely there opalescence in your neutral to give it a modest yet beguiling edge. So what am I talking here? I’m talking eyeshadows that range in colour from champagne, rose gold, taupey- plums, frosted peach, mink, golden pearls, burnished bronze, cashmere, gunmetal, shimmering chocolate and pearlescent olives. Most of these neutrals, if not all, should certainly suit.
For ultra flattering eyes that won’t be missed, a simple wash of shadow across the lids will do the trick nicely. No need to worry about using additional colour along the Outer V, brow highlight or crease unless the spirit moves you, but a wee smudge of liner (in a darker version of the colour used as a wash) to tightline will make your eyes pop (in the most lady-like way, of course). Absolute lashings of mascara on curled lashes and a dressed brow will finish off your EOTD to perfection. This type of makeup application will always give you a gorgeously polished eye for day. Now if you’re feeling like you want to really stand out, but not in a sore thumb kind of way, this is a prime time to break out your coloured eyeliners and head straight for your waterline. How heavenly is a line of darkened teal, violet, sapphire, or jade, coquettishly winking at you from the waterline? Just scrumptious. Have a play with a few combinations and you’ll soon have several delectable favourites at the ready for each and every day of your long makeup wearing life. Most of all, have fun! *whispers* -Yet another secret to being infinitely beautiful.
Black Or Brown?
Q. What’s the best colour mascara to wear for a classic day makeup look?
A. Well, it depends is the start of the long answer. Both, for the short answer. I know this is sounding, already, like one of the more befuddling koans used to provoke enlightenment, but it’s not as tricky as it may seem. I promise you. For our fair haired mavens brown mascara will add a lofty flutter to your lashes that exudes class. For our darker haired divas both black or brown will work a treat, but brown is more likely to give you that YLBB (your lashes but better) look which leaves them intrigued. I absolutely adore brown mascara on ravishing redheads, without a doubt, for day. Black haired beauties may feel mega fabulous with a few of lashings of black mascara, for sure. But in all honesty, always feel free to flip the script and go against convention if you feel so inspired. See…so really, both can work. Just ensure that your lashes are separated and clump-free and you’re sure to look gorgeous whichever colour you choose!
Fancy A Little Bit More Matte2?
I was able to get my hot little hands on the product shot of the shadows that are to accompany that beyond divine beauty shot of M.A.C’s Matte2 collection due to hit counters October 08, 2007. Not bad, huh? I suspect these delectable Matte2 shadows are Clarity, Brown Script, and Poste Haste. Don’t quote me, but that would, indeed, be they, if my memory serves me correctly. Anyways, this is just a little something to keep you going. *wink*
TBS Hot House Orchid Collection.
It might be cold outside but The Body Shop is raising the temperature indoors with its Limited Edition Hot House Orchid Collection, which gloriously celebrates the beauty of the South American Spirit.
“A winter treat, where the Amazon rainforest meets Buenos Aires urban chic!”
The Hot House Orchid Collection from The Body Shop is comprised of a beautiful palette of colours and textures that leave you looking and feeling illuminated, fresh, and gorgeously flushed. There are Duo Glows, Crystal Sparkle Glosses, Pearly Lip and Cheek Stains and Flower Eye Colours:
Duo Glow- Shimmering loose powder and cream highlighter in a nifty mirrored jar made with Community Trade marula oil and lotus flower extract for the cheeks and decolletage.
Available in 2 shades: Blush and Bronze.
Flower Eye Colour- Shimmer eyeshadow with an embossed flower design in a contrasting eyeshadow shade with Namibian lotus flower extracts.
Available in 2 colours: Havana Blues and La Cruz Aqua Peach.
Pearly Lip & Cheek Stain- A dual-purpose shimmery lip and cheek stain with Community Trade aloe vera from Guatemala and lotus flower extract.
Available in 2 colours: Buenos Aires Rose and Montego Bay Bronze.
Crystal Sparkle Gloss- Sheer sparking pink glosses with marula Oil, passionflower fragrance, and lotus flower extract.
Available in 2 shades: Santiago Pink and Acapulco Golden Pink.
The LE Hot House Orchid Collection from The Body Shop is in-store from Monday July 23rd to Sunday September 2nd, 2007.