Unreasonably Beautiful.

“You don’t ever need a reason to be beautiful. Just be.” -Beauty Marked!

November 25, 2007. All things beauty, grooming, beauty trends, makeup trends, beautiful quotations. 2 Comments.

Tantalizing Tangles.

“Some of the worst mistakes in my life have been haircuts.” -Jim Morrison

November 14, 2007. grooming, hair, beauty trends, beautiful quotations. No Comments.

Beauty Mail!


Hiya Beauty Marked!,

Why do you often suggest that there are times that are better for waxing and tweezing than others? As far as I’m concerned anytime is a bad time. LOL

I hear ya, sister! What a beaut question and expressed sentiment. I have, on occasion, found myself to be a card carrying member of the “No Time Is the Best Time to Wax or Tweeze Club” too. The reason I often suggest that, if possible, it’s best to avoid the week before our period is due is because our pain threshold is markedly lower during this stage of our monthly cycle. This lowered pain threshold is all down to what our premenstrual hormones or as I like to say, “horror-mones” are doing at this time. So if you can avoid this week, do. Who needs the potential of additional insult added to injury? If you can’t…well, just take several deep breaths and keep ‘em coming. Always remember to B-R-E-A-T-H-E.

Hope this helps some.

-BM! x

November 13, 2007. beauty tips, grooming, hair, beauty tools, skincare tips, eyebrows. No Comments.

The V Word.


I’m talking about vanity. According to most definitions of the word vanity, it is generally accepted to mean having a high opinion or pride in one’s appearance or worth. It’s often cavalierly bantered about as being a virtueless quality and something which one oughtn’t strive to have or be, which is largely issued with an insulting intention. Beauty Marked! would just like to go on the record and weigh-in as having said that there is an urgent need to reclaim and reframe this intensely loaded and often injurious word. There is great value, strength and love in acknowledging the vast beauty that is contained in us all, and which is often given wings to rightly soar when one embraces their tremendous worth and infinite beauty which lies both inside and out.

Taking pride in your appearance is a great thing. In doing this, it pays a loving and respectful tribute to the abundance of infinite and inner beauty we all possess. It is more than okay to bring our beauty out to play.

“I can never feel certain of any truth, but from a clear perception of its beauty.”
- John Keats

November 7, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips, grooming, beauty trends, beauty tools, makeup trends, beautiful quotations. No Comments.

Butch Beauty.

As you all know, I do most of my own guinea pigging for all of you lovely lasses, but generally or shall I say thankfully, pull up at products designed for the lad’s. In those instances when I need a bit of butch beauty expertise for the boys, I call in Mr. Beauty Marked! Sr. and Mr. Beauty Marked! Jr. to test some of the beaut boy bits about.

I am pleased to pass on the news that the most recent beauty item to get the boys in a lather in the Maison de Beauty Marked! is NIVEA For Men Sensitive Shaving Foam with Ultra Glide Technology. According to the Beauty Marked! boys, this shaving foam delivers a truly smooth, close, moisturizing, non-irritating and soothing shave. Mr. Beauty Marked! Sr., in particular, has skin which is incredibly sensitive to harsh chemical ingredients and is not backwards in coming forwards in letting him know. So with his sensitive skin’s considerations in mind, he was ever so pleased to report that not a single welt, rash, or raised recalcitrant nuisance was seen and his skin, post shave, felt nicely moisturized and protected. Phew! Mr. BM! Jr. couldn’t stop extolling the virtues of how the Sensitive Shaving Foam softened his beard quickly enough for a thoroughly effective shave in just a few minutes and not a nick was to be had. The boys were impressed.

The rave reviews from the Beauty Marked! boys were no doubt due to NIVEA’s exceptionally considerate shaving formulation. NIVEA For Men Sensitive Shaving Foam is ultra soothing, calming and protects the skin with its stellar ingredient line-up which contains chamomile, aloe vera, bisabolol, and Vitamin F. Nice.

This fantastic bit of butch beauty definitely bares remembering when your man’s next on the hunt for a great shave. Check out www.nivea.com for more!

October 31, 2007. skincare, grooming, hair, new products, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

Mail Call.


Hello Beauty Marked! Just a quick one to say that I am loving your beauty blog extraordinaire. I was wondering why exfoliation is the key to avoiding ingrown hairs? And does it matter how you exfoliate when it comes to preventing ingrowns?

As happily answered…

Thank you for your great question and kind words. I appreciate them both immensely.

The reason why exfoliating areas that are prone to ingrown hairs that arise from waxing and tweezing generally and very occasionally from shaving is a good idea is because when a new hair grows post a hair removal treatment that relies on damaging the hair follicle as it modus operandi, it usually is a shadow of it’s former self physically. Some hairs no longer possess the same structural fortitude needed to gracefully push through the skin’s surface and can either get trapped below the surface or curl back onto itself which results in an ingrown hair. Ouchy! So if we help the hair along a bit by gently exfoliating the skin and removing the skin build up, the hair’s chances of pushing through the surface unimpeded are greatly improved.

As for which method of exfoliation works best, it really is a matter of personal preference. Gentle chemical exfoliation by AHAs works as does manual exfoliation with a loofah or gentle granular scrubs. The key to successful exfoliation is that you start doing it from your next tub after the initial hair removal and continue daily for at least 7 to 10 days, depending on how speedy your hair re-grows. Most hair has managed to make it past the risk of ingrown stage after this time. It ought to be pretty smooth sailing after this time period, well, that is until it’s time to jump on that hair removal merry-go-round once again. Oh the joys!

October 26, 2007. skincare, grooming, hair, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

Look At This Little Cutie.


Oh my goodness! How darling is this baby nail clipper? This little “cutie pie” is courtesy of Tweezerman and not only does it look adorable, but it works a treat! Tweezerman’s large handled, ergonomic Baby Nail Clipper is a fantastic beauty tool for keeping the Wee One a picture of their gorgeously groomed, perfected selves. Don’t be fooled by this clipper’s jejune appearance as it is well and truly in the big leagues when it comes to performance. This baby nail clipper is a chip off the old block. It does Tweezerman proud, maintains the family standards and established reputation. *whispers* The Tweezerman Nail Clipper even works well on “big people’s” fingers too should you be unable to resist the temptation to use this “cute as a button” clipper. Who could blame you? Love ‘em!

Visit Dateline Imports for Tweezerman Baby Nail Clippers and so much more.

October 24, 2007. grooming, nails, new products, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

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