It’s True…A Cloud Cannot Put Out The Sun.


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Marianne Williamson

February 23, 2008. All things beauty, beauty tips, beautiful quotations. 1 Comment.

Mail Call!


Dear BM!,

Rumor has it you are a huge cream blush fan. Do you have any tips on how to apply it? I am not 100% sure as to the best way and knew you’d have a tip or two to help me out. Thanks in advance.

I do love a touch of cream blush, that’s for sure…nearly, but not quite, as much as receiving emails from my cherished readers. I did a post sometime in early 2007 that extolled the virtues of cream blush and it gave a tip or three that you may find useful. Here’s an encore posting for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

Cream Blush Anyone?

February 22, 2008. beauty tips, makeup, makeup tips. No Comments.

Slim Down With Gratitude.

Why not? If we’ve learned anything about diets, it’s that they rarely continue to produce results in any long lasting way, shape or form. Well, that certainly rings true for diets used alone and without any major attitudinal adjustments to one’s self-perception. Even then, it’s more than likely that it is our meaningful shift in how we relate to food and our belief in ourselves that is the greater cause for the changes to our body image than any diet would be in itself. Beauty Marked! is willing to bank that if we had a good look at all that we have to be grateful for in our lives, with our beautiful bodies and commit to working towards self-acceptance and love, our weight would automatically settle to a healthy, ideal, and optimally functioning level for as long as we desired. No kidding. Judging from the demonstrated effectiveness of positively affirming only what we truly desire and showing gratitude for our beautiful selves and the blessings that abundantly abound, at every opportunity, our bodies wouldn’t choose to hang on to, hoard or operate as if scarcity were its default setting.

In other words, showing gratitude will both positively and successfully reset our body’s default position from scarcity as its modus operandi, to retraining itself to innately and effectively utilize the abundance of quality food available, employ our positively affirmed thoughts, use anything else that it needs for optimal functioning and release the rest. Out would go the excess stored fat, below par functioning cells, impurities, and toxins. Eventually, our bodies will no longer instinctively stockpile excess on our hips, thighs, tummy or wherever, for a rainy day, so to speak, because it would learn, know and trust that there will always be more superlative goodness, on a great many levels, to come. Luckily, our bodies are quick studies and will soon realize that it can be “at ease” and not cling onto everything that heads its way, but get on with being as it was original designed: Its own uniquely magnificent, whole, complete and perfect self. All that will be left for you to do is just graciously enjoy it for a long time to come!

Affirmation for Optimal Body Weight: I am grateful for the many blessings that I have and am secure in knowing that there is always an abundance of goodness that will fully support and empower me to have a healthy and joyous life.

February 19, 2008. All things beauty, beauty tips, beauty trends, Affirmations. No Comments.

The Now That’s Just Too Easy Face Mask.


This face mask is just so easy and incredibly effective, it’s nearly criminal. If you’re prone to pimples and other nuisance eruptions this is the face mask for you. Dip a few clean, fresh cabbage leaves into boiled water for a few seconds to soften and then leave them on a plate to cool completely before placing on your face for about 15 minutes and you’re good as gold. This quickie face mask acts much like the good old fashioned mustard poultices grandma used to make and still work a treat. Pretty neat, huh?

February 17, 2008. skincare, beauty tips, skincare tips. 2 Comments.

Beauty Sleep.

We’ve all heard about it, but how many actually think its more than just a way our mothers used to coax us to bed when we were young? Well, we at Chez Beauty Marked! are pleased as punch to say that not only is there such a thing as beauty sleep, but what an incredibly important type of sleep it is too. Quality sleep is an integral part of good emotional, physical and mental health. When we get our beauty sleep, the body goes into hardcore regenerative mode. During beauty sleep, our tissues and organs (of which the skin is the largest) sets about major reparative work. Our hormones, particularly growth hormones, are at their highest levels and exert their greatest influence while sleeping and they’re hugely responsible for cellular renewal. What is the most noteworthy thing about beauty sleep is what happens when we are running a bit short of it. A string of nights sans not much by way of quality beauty sleep can be highly stressful on our bodies on many levels, while manifesting itself both internally and externally. This increased stress, which comes about as a direct result of lack of beauty sleep, has been shown, through scientific research, to actually speed up the aging process! Our sleep enticing and sagely advice to you is to hit the hay hard and you’ll be sure to find the Fountain of Youth in your dreams, absolutely. So, sleep tight and …don’t let the bed bugs bite!

February 15, 2008. beauty tips, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

Nice Day For Ducks…

I don’t know about the weather in your neck of the woods, but in Beauty Marked!’s, it’s been pretty abysmal. Light showers one minute, scorchingly hot and humid the next followed by hail, threats of hypothermia and hideous torrential downpours. The weather has just been unreal and more labile in the shortest space of time than most makeup maven’s FOTDs can, quite possibly, stand. This crazy, ultra changeable weather reminds me of a fun, spirited article I once came across on the web titled, ‘makeup for a monsoon’. Gotta love the web. Oddly enough, I recall it offering some pretty good tips to keep in mind and the stellar pearls were pretty much in accord with anything I could come up with. Lets see…from memory, the monsoonal makeup essentials were:

Waterproof mascara
creamy lipstick in a trans lip/cheek type colour
Long last gel eyeliner
Powder eyeshadow or loose pigment
Cream blush
Powder blush

Makes sense to me. The only things I recall not on the list, but would be an ever-so-useful BM! addition to the Makeup Mavens Monsoonal Makeup Essentials would be:

Lip and Cheek stain
Mineral Makeup
Colour-free Lip balm

With these three added items, you’d be pretty sorted. The lip and cheek stain would be a fab base for when everything else either melted or blew off in all wonky weather. Mineral makeup is generally pretty water resistant, easy wearing, lightweight, and protective while offering you a medium coverage for the most part and doesn’t tend to go manky with heat, sweat or rain. Lip balm…well this ought to be everyone’s staple beauty item as it can be swung in a great many directions with masterful effect for the most part. What other beauty product can you think of that can double or even treble as a hair styling product, cream eyeshadow and blush when mixed with pigment, and function as a spot makeup remover in a pinch? Lip balm can freshen up most makeup when tending to running repairs, all the while acting as a sneaky bit of moisturizer for those rogue ashy patches that can become manifest in the mayhem of the weather of the moment. *idea*

I don’t know about you, but I think you’d be better than sorted if you battened down the hatches with these beaut meteorologically inspired bits of makeup magic in your arsenal. In fact, you’d be one darling ducky indeed.

February 13, 2008. beauty tips, makeup, grooming, makeup tips, hair, beauty tools, skincare tips, lips, makeup trends. No Comments.

Ten Totally Terrific Tips For Beautifying Today!

  1. Smile and enjoy a great laugh.
  2. Eat a gorgeously ripe mango or a piece or three of your favourite tropical fruit.
  3. Go for a relaxed walk in a park, bushland or along the seaside.
  4. Meditate.
  5. Tell someone or someone(s) you love them and follow up with a magical and ultra squeezy bear hug.
  6. Take a luxurious bath surrounded with burning candles and aromatherapy oils.
  7. Dance like it’s nobody’s business while singing to your heart’s content.
  8. Read for pleasure.
  9. Generously and graciously give of your time to assist someone and make absolutely nothing of it.
  10. Buy yourself a beautiful bunch of flowers or a wonderfully indulgent treat and really delight in them.

February 10, 2008. All things beauty, beauty tips, beauty tools. 3 Comments.

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