Today Is The Day!

Today is the day to be magnificent, generous, powerful, and radiantly beautiful from the inside and out. Today is the day to be just who you are!

-Beauty Marked! xx

August 17, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips. No Comments.

And Now We Wait…

Okay, so you’ve made the switch to a more natural based hair and skincare range and your hair and skin are looking…um…well, let’s say…not so great (read: kaka), and you’re wondering if it was worth the switch? Well, I have no doubt that switching from harsher, more chock-full of naughties products to more skin and hair considerate products was a good thing. I, also, appreciate your valid question as to when exactly will the effects of your positive move become evident? Unfortunately, it will not be obvious on the first use of your new product, but may take as long as 3 to 4 weeks before a marked improvement is clearly seen and the good stuff can take effect. Your hair and skin may even seem worse with the new no-naughties hair and skincare regime for the first little while, without the “benefit” of all the smoothers, sudsers, harsh solvents and other questionable ingredients. Grrrreat, I hear you say? I know. *understandingly sighs* It will be worth it, just as you are, I promise. But for now, we wait. Hang in there!

August 16, 2007. skincare, beauty tips, hair, new products, skincare tips. No Comments.

According to Ms. Necessity…

What can you do if your mascara is on its last legs and you can’t lay it to rest just yet, because you haven’t any mascaraed “ladies in waiting” in store? According to the Divine Ms. N., there is something you can do that just might get you through. Simply immerse the tightly closed tube of mascara into a glass or mug of hot water and let it sit for a couple of minutes. This quick hot soak will soften the waxes and oils in the mascara loosening it up perfectly for a coat or two of what might be your mascara’s last swan song. You never know…with a bit of luck, you might even get a few bonus rounds out of your mascara with this handy little trick. *idea*

Good One, Ms. Necessity!

August 15, 2007. makeup, mascara, makeup tips. 1 Comment.

Being Sun Smart.

I know that you gorgeous skincare savants are très savvy when it comes to protecting your skin from the damaging effects of unprotected sun exposure, but thanks to L’Oréal Professionnel, you can now look after your cherished tresses with the same sagacious smarts as you do your skin. In September 2007, L’Oréal Professionnel is launching Série Expert Solar Sublime sun smart products for your hair. The Série Expert Solar Sublime range is comprised of 3 key hair care products that will afford your hair superior sun protection against the damaging UV rays that affect all three zones of the hair fiber from the root to the tips. Série Expert Solar Sublime contains Mexoryl S.O. (Sun Optimal), which is a patented hair care specific UV-filter system which acts as a protective shield against the sun’s harmful rays as well as moisturizing and maintaining the hair’s hydration.

Série Expert Solar Sublime by L’Oréal Professionnel is a formidable ally against the unfiltered effects of the sun’s UV rays which leads to damaged hair. Série expert Solar Sublime assists in preventing the sun’s UVB rays from stripping the lipid coating from the hair’s surface which causes the shaft of the hair to become porous and eventually splits due to it’s brittleness from the breakdown of keratin which results. Sun damaged hair can often feel straw-like and the natural pigment in the hair is diminished. Sun damaged hair not only looks lackluster but tends to be difficult to style as well. It is with this understanding, that L’Oréal Professionnel has created this new advanced formula to enhance its range of sun smart products for the hair:

Série Expert Solar Sublime Shampoo An après sun protecting shampoo which contains Mexoryl S.O. UV-Protect, vitamin E derivative and glycerol.

Série Expert Solar Sublime Masque An after sun nourishing balm that contains Mexoryl S.O. UV-Protect to detangle, smooth the hair’s surface, and bring softness and shine to the hair.

Série Expert Solar Sublime Protection Spray An invisible leave-in protection spray to be used on damp hair and leaves a light protective film around the hair fiber of the sun filter Mexoryl S.O. UV-Protect and a natural looking shine.

Série Expert is only available in L’Oréal Professionnel salons. Call 1300 651 141 for your nearest stockist (within Australia) or online.

August 14, 2007. beauty tips, grooming, hair, new products. No Comments.

Workspace Beautification.

Yes, your workspace aught to be a reflection of all things beautiful too…absolutely! I do understand that work is work and for many, just a necessary requirement to keep us in the lifestyle that we have become accustomed, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful. In my office, I have several small, yet cherished items that just keep me connected to the more sumptuous elements of life. They are just little reminders of the abundance of loveliness in the life we lead. I have a small electric essential oil burner that wafts about the most perfect essential oil reminders of the exquisite things. I vary the essential oils I put in according to mood or situation, but Neroli, Ylang Ylang, and Petitgrain are favourites. This blend seems to give me a calming yet confident boost to the day. Lavender, rosemary, and basil essential oils spark the little grey cells with great aplomb. These are just some of the fabulously fragrant essential oils that you can combine to enhance your existence in any workspace. I occasionally drip a few drops of essential oils on a tissue and tuck it in my handbag or pocket for a delightful little sniff to keep me on track.

Crystals and minerals are also wonderful items to beautify your workspace. Have a few on hand to gaze at and to energize your work area. Celestite is one of my personal favourites to have about (as pictured)…not to mention Fluorite, Amethyst, Labradorite, smoky and clear quartz to name a few. (But you don’t want to get me started here as I have so many beautiful stones that I hardly have room for my papers!). Stones, like people, are infinitely beautiful too and generously give so much by virtue of their beauty alone. Place one or two, at least, in your work environment and enjoy their magical presence.

Candles, photographs of cherished ones and adored places, small mementos and keepsakes also keep beauty abounding and our thoughts and energies high. Just like Doreen Virtue says, “beautiful thoughts lead to beautiful outcomes.” Never truer words were uttered. Wouldn’t you agree? Do chose something though, no matter how small to beautify your space. It’s amazing how something so small can have such a beautifully big impact…It might even make your day! I suspect it might, in fact. *wink*

*The gorgeous Celestite image courtesy of the lovely Rebecca, owner of That Crystal Site. “When Quality Matters”, That Crystal Site is just extraordinary and my “go to” site for stones…every time!

August 13, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tools. No Comments.

Sponge, Fingers, Brush?

Q. As a makeup artist, could you please tell me which you would recommend: the use of fingers, brushes, or sponges for the best foundation application for me? I am pretty new to the world of makeup.

A. To be completely honest with you, Beauty Marked!® believes that the best way to apply foundation, is largely based on which one of these application methods you feel most comfortable with and the most confident in using. There’s not much more to it than that. There are definitely merits to using sponges, fingers and brushes. *whispers* -Sometimes all in the same session.

Some folks don’t feel very confident using brushes and this lack of confidence can interfere with one’s makeup application. Getting the knack of using a synthetic foundation brush can be tricky, but worth it as it certainly gives a seamless look to liquid foundations when applied correctly. Foundation brushes are at their best when made of synthetic material so that they do not absorb the foundation and as a result you will use up far less base. Bonus.

Sponges are notorious for sucking up foundation. But their greediness aside, foundation spreads rather evenly and without streakiness when sponges are used. Sponges also seem to handle the many different foundation consistencies too, without too much drama. You can even stipple your foundation on with sponges, which will allow you to vary the depth of coverage in desired areas.

Fingers…well, these are ‘the’ original applicators, aren’t they? There’s absolutely is no shame in applying your foundation with your fingers. Fingers allow you a gorgeous intimacy with your face that is wonderful. The warmth from your fingers will also help the foundation to warm up, spread on, and blend onto your face in a fashion that is highly controllable and gives you a lovely and subtle veil of coverage. The choice is yours.

As a makeup artist, Beauty Marked!® has been known to use all three during a professional makeup application or use just one or two of the ways of applying foundation in a single session! Oy vey! Try them all and see how you feel. Go with the method or methods that you feel most comfortable with and that gives you the finished look you are after. Most importantly, have fun while you’re doing it, because that’s what it’s all about. Shoot Beauty Marked!® an email or post a comment if you’d like to know anything further. Plus, we love to hearing from you!

August 12, 2007. makeup tips, beauty tools. 1 Comment.

A Beauty Secret.

Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
- Franz Kafka


August 11, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips, beautiful quotations. No Comments.

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