Workspace Beautification.

Yes, your workspace aught to be a reflection of all things beautiful too…absolutely! I do understand that work is work and for many, just a necessary requirement to keep us in the lifestyle that we have become accustomed, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful. In my office, I have several small, yet cherished items that just keep me connected to the more sumptuous elements of life. They are just little reminders of the abundance of loveliness in the life we lead. I have a small electric essential oil burner that wafts about the most perfect essential oil reminders of the exquisite things. I vary the essential oils I put in according to mood or situation, but Neroli, Ylang Ylang, and Petitgrain are favourites. This blend seems to give me a calming yet confident boost to the day. Lavender, rosemary, and basil essential oils spark the little grey cells with great aplomb. These are just some of the fabulously fragrant essential oils that you can combine to enhance your existence in any workspace. I occasionally drip a few drops of essential oils on a tissue and tuck it in my handbag or pocket for a delightful little sniff to keep me on track.

Crystals and minerals are also wonderful items to beautify your workspace. Have a few on hand to gaze at and to energize your work area. Celestite is one of my personal favourites to have about (as pictured)…not to mention Fluorite, Amethyst, Labradorite, smoky and clear quartz to name a few. (But you don’t want to get me started here as I have so many beautiful stones that I hardly have room for my papers!). Stones, like people, are infinitely beautiful too and generously give so much by virtue of their beauty alone. Place one or two, at least, in your work environment and enjoy their magical presence.

Candles, photographs of cherished ones and adored places, small mementos and keepsakes also keep beauty abounding and our thoughts and energies high. Just like Doreen Virtue says, “beautiful thoughts lead to beautiful outcomes.” Never truer words were uttered. Wouldn’t you agree? Do chose something though, no matter how small to beautify your space. It’s amazing how something so small can have such a beautifully big impact…It might even make your day! I suspect it might, in fact. *wink*

*The gorgeous Celestite image courtesy of the lovely Rebecca, owner of That Crystal Site. “When Quality Matters”, That Crystal Site is just extraordinary and my “go to” site for stones…every time!

August 13, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tools. No Comments.

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