And Now We Wait…

Okay, so you’ve made the switch to a more natural based hair and skincare range and your hair and skin are looking…um…well, let’s say…not so great (read: kaka), and you’re wondering if it was worth the switch? Well, I have no doubt that switching from harsher, more chock-full of naughties products to more skin and hair considerate products was a good thing. I, also, appreciate your valid question as to when exactly will the effects of your positive move become evident? Unfortunately, it will not be obvious on the first use of your new product, but may take as long as 3 to 4 weeks before a marked improvement is clearly seen and the good stuff can take effect. Your hair and skin may even seem worse with the new no-naughties hair and skincare regime for the first little while, without the “benefit” of all the smoothers, sudsers, harsh solvents and other questionable ingredients. Grrrreat, I hear you say? I know. *understandingly sighs* It will be worth it, just as you are, I promise. But for now, we wait. Hang in there!

August 16, 2007. skincare, beauty tips, hair, new products, skincare tips. No Comments.

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