Times When A Breakdown Is A Good Thing.
I often get asked if it is really necessary to remove all of one’s makeup from the day’s adventures if you are going out for the evening and still wish to wear makeup. To be honest, I don’t feel it is always 100% necessary to remove all of your makeup and cleanse, but if you’ve got the time and energy…go for it! If not, this is when I’d go “the breakdown”. Breakdown the bits of your makeup that are looking a bit battle weary and blot, perhaps powder and reapply. This treatment, of course, doesn’t really extend to mascara as that’s a whole other kettle of fish altogether.
So for everything non-mascara related, just lightly remove or take back by gingerly wiping off with a tissue and or cotton bud. When you’ve done this ever-so-gently, blot your entire face (t-zone especially) with cosmetic blotting paper or film. *whispers* One square of single-ply, super cheap loo paper works fantastically by the way. After you’ve blotted away any excess oil or perspiration that would have naturally managed to creep to the skin’s surface after a day’s wear, just barely powder your entire face (loose or pressed powder is fine). When you’ve finished your ‘barely there’ powder, feel free to reapply your makeup to your beautiful heart’s content.
Carefully breaking down your makeup, blotting, lightly powdering, and reapplying will often give you a nicer looking and longer wearing base for your colour cosmetics than would freshly applied. Go figure? I suspect it has a lot to do with the artful building up of makeup and removing the excess oils, which leave mainly pure pigment behind. (Much like the Beauty Marked! technique for getting your lip to stick.) But don’t be tempted to skip the blot step, because it’s the buildup of oils that actually cause the cakey and flakey thing to happen, which is definitely not the effect we’re after. It’s now, after I’ve done the above, that I adore a quick and ultra indulgent spritz of rose water. Quite frankly, I can’t think of a better and more luxe way to set my makeup. Mmmm.
Now on to the matter of mascara. You know, generally, I am tempted to just leave it alone. I rarely reapply new over old, as that just seems to tempt fate, especially where the potential for clumping and flaking is concerned. But if you reckon there’s only a weensy bit or no bit on, then by all means reapply. Just be extra vigilant for clumps and ensure the lashes stay separated. You can carefully re-curl your lashes with a non clamp-style curler if you’ve got one. If not…use your finger to gently press the lashes towards your lid and hold for about 30 seconds or so before the mascara is dry. Sometimes the finger trick works so well that I often wonder why I bother searching for my curler in the first place, which, oddly enough, always seems to grow legs…especially when I’m in a rush.
So there you have it: Times when a breakdown might just be a good thing. Ultimately though, the most important thing of all to remember is to blot and don’t stress…because you’re beautiful!
What’s With All The Fruit?
I just had to squeeze in a post about this current fruit-filled frenzy going on in skincare these days. Well, I’m please to let you know that there is, indeed, a method to this fruit-a-licious madness. Here’s an ever-so-brief bite of info about a few of the gorgeous fruity bits finding their way into our skincare:
Apple Trés soothing on the skin and is chockers with tartaric and malic acids which gently exfoliate.
Grapes Also very soothing on the skin and act as a mild toning astringent.
Cantaloupe/Rockmelon Most excellent for hydrating and soothing inflamed and agitated skin.
Lemon Contains a bumper amount of citric acid that counteracts an overly basic skin PH that is often a result of product buildup and endeavors to clarify skin that has fallen prey to the excess alkalinity. The citric acid in lemons also acts as an anti-bacterial and astringent agent. It can also be mildly bleaching over extended period and in larger undiluted quantities.
Papaya/Paw paw Contains the active enzyme papain which is incredibly effective at dissolving keratin and can be used to rid the skin surface of expired skin cells especially when used in combination with other known exfoliators. Papaya is also soothing to angry skins.
Pineapple Bromelain is the effective exfoliating enzyme in this fruit which also rids skin of expired epidermal cells and can dissolve keratin over time.
Passionfruit Very refreshing to the skin and can be mildly hydrating.
Strawberry A scrummy smelling fruit that is ever so mildly bleaching thus has a slight brightening effect on the skin when used over an extended time and is wonderfully soothing and toning.
Tomato A mildly astringent fruit, thus its toning abilities are effective on oilier skins.
Mother Nature sure is one clever chook!
A Buzzy Little Treat.
This beaut little homemade lip balm is dead easy to make and a real buzzy little treat for your lips. Just soften a tablespoon of pure shea butter (organic if you can get it) enough to be able to stir in a half a teaspoon of your favourite honey. Transfer the thoroughly mixed gorgeousness into a small clean glass jar or tin and place in fridge to set. Enjoy!
Who Deserves A Holiday More?
There would be no shortage of folks that routinely swap around their skincare products because they feel that their skin is in need of a change. After all, change is as good as a holiday…right? In fact, it is often said that one’s skin starts to develop a tolerance for any extended use product and starts to look lackluster or even breakout as a result of prolonged use of a singular product or system and that’s just par for the course. The truth, in fact, is that in most cases, your skin is not developing a tolerance, so to speak, but is actually falling prey to the dreaded product buildup. It’s as simple as that. This unintentional buildup can cause the complexion to dull, pores to block, lack of healthy oxygenation and reactions to occur, even in the face of regular and seemingly thorough cleansing. Go figure? A lot of the time, the little sneaky bits of petroleum based ingredients (e.g. mineral oils), silicones, and synthetic clays can form a barrier across your skin which can prevent deep cleansing, exfoliating and much needed vitamins, minerals, and other assorted bits of goodness from having a positive effect on your skin. Who would have thunk it?
So what do you do? Besides being as fastidious as possible with the ingredients you are willing to allow in your skincare product before purchase, just ensure that you are attending to a clarifying cleanse at least weekly. A great way to clarify the skin naturally, is by using a clean water dampened cotton square and further moisten with a few drops of organic cider vinegar or lemon juice and wipe across your face in much the same way as you would a toner and finish up with a rinse of water and moisturize as per usual. Again, this once weekly trick should cut through any buildup that’s threatening to take hold and free you to at least finish up the product your digging at the moment.
Did you know that the leading cause of pimples and congestion on your back is due to a buildup of hair care product? Yep, back bumps are a dead giveaway of the nuisances of product buildup. *Sigh* Luckily, the treatment’s the same as for the skin on your gorgeous face.
So by all means have a holiday, but just make sure it involves lots of sun, sea, surf…and a few of those cute little cocktail umbrellas thrown in for good measure!
Just Brilliant And A Bargain To Boot!
If you don’t already know about these gorgeous little glosses, please let me have the honour. Talk about pocket rockets when it comes to amping up the glossiness stakes. Nivea Lip Care Caregloss & Shine not only looks after your lips but does so with such dazzling aplomb. Nivea Lip Care Caregloss & Shine’s non-sticky formula contains finely milled and smoothly textured light reflecting particles that give you a super glossy lip on its own or an exceedingly pretty lip when used to glaze your chosen lip colour du jour. *idea* Nivea Lip Care Caregloss & Shine is chockers with vitamin E, shea butter, grape seed oil and hydramine to ensure your lips stay stellar. There’s Red Glamour, Pink Shimmer, and Pure Natural to choose from. But between you and me, I wouldn’t bother choosing because they are just that fabulous and super affordable that you might as well have all three in your arsenal for days when you just have to shine!
Beauty Mail!
Hiya Beauty Marked!,
Why do you often suggest that there are times that are better for waxing and tweezing than others? As far as I’m concerned anytime is a bad time. LOL
I hear ya, sister! What a beaut question and expressed sentiment. I have, on occasion, found myself to be a card carrying member of the “No Time Is the Best Time to Wax or Tweeze Club” too. The reason I often suggest that, if possible, it’s best to avoid the week before our period is due is because our pain threshold is markedly lower during this stage of our monthly cycle. This lowered pain threshold is all down to what our premenstrual hormones or as I like to say, “horror-mones” are doing at this time. So if you can avoid this week, do. Who needs the potential of additional insult added to injury? If you can’t…well, just take several deep breaths and keep ‘em coming. Always remember to B-R-E-A-T-H-E.
Hope this helps some.
-BM! x
A Bit Of Spoon Playing…Perhaps?
A girl can’t have too many tricks up her sleeve to serve as nifty quick fixes to sort out those nuisance beauty pickles that pop up every now and again, now can she? When your fresh out of sliced cucumber or potato and two puffy under eyes are starring back at you from the mirror, what’s your first port of call? The kitchen. Place two teaspoons into the freezer and when icy cold, remove and wrap in a clean tissue. Press the tissue wrapped teaspoon’s bottom or rather rounded side onto the offending under eye area for 2 minutes or so. This natty trick is sure to send those puffy bags packing. *idea*