The Beauty of The Law. Protected Beauty.
As the sole owner and creator of Get Even More Gorgeous With Beauty Marked!® Blog, Beauty Marked!® Online Beauty Magazine, and Beauty Marked!®, I just wanted to take the opportunity to remind those who are unsure whether or not these specific beauty entities are fully covered, registered and protected by trademark, service mark and copyright laws, which are not only in effect nationally, but internationally by rights granted through established priority and protocol, that Beauty Marked!® is fully registered, covered and protected. The name, content or services of Beauty Marked!® may not be used, altered, distributed, registered, or copied by rights reserved by laws governing such matters without the express consent of Jen Adcock.
The rights given, by law, to Beauty Marked!® remain applicable without the exclamation mark (!) or registered trademark(®) or copyright (©) symbols and these rights remain the same with all logical derivatives of the registered business, trademarked name, words and content. Beauty Marked!® waives no rights as granted by law and will address any and all infringements as entitled to by law and make the necessary applications, if need be, to the bodies governing such matters or courts of summary jurisdiction.
I know this legal stuff ain’t pretty, but of great import all the same. I sincerely hope this clarifies matters for those who were unsure and may be tempted to cross over to the dark side. Feel free to contact Beauty Marked!® or legal counsel if you want to be sure to be sure. Now that that’s sorted, we can get back to getting even more gorgeous!
Seven Savvy Selections.
In honour of the 07/07/07, here are seven specially selected beauty items to keep you out of shtook and ever so scintillating:
1. Sunscreen
2. Blotting Papers
3. Lip balm
4. Miniature tube of mascara
5. Shimmery clear lip gloss
6. Nail file
7. Rose coloured crème lipstick
I kid you not. It’s a simple as that. Keep items like these seven little lifesavers in your handbag and you’ll always be sweet! Lipstick can double as a creme blush and the shimmery clear gloss can competently take your lips from day to dazzling with just a slick. I’ve even been known to sneak a tiny bit of gloss onto the cheeks for a subtle highlight or onto my lids for a quick ritz. A nail file, a small tube of sunscreen, lip balm and blotting papers are necessaries that one just simply shouldn’t ever be without. So handy! And mascara, well, who could deny the instantaneous “Wow” factor achieved with just a coat or two? Instant gorgeousness! Our favourite kind! So there you have it, seven savvy selections for the 7th of the 7th 07! Enjoy!
D. I. Y. Brazilians.
I received a great emailed question via our online beauty magazine Beauty Marked! and instantly knew a fair few of you would love to know the very same thing. This valued Beauty Marked! reader’s email was in response to the BM! Q&A page answer regarding Horticulture of The Nether Regions, no doubt.
The email reads as follows:
I was reading your article about Brazilians and I was wondering wether its ok to do it yourself the first time? And if so what products are there that are good? And are there any tips or hints I need? Also I love the site xxx
Firstly and most importantly, thank you for your email and kind words about the Site. You’ve made my day! Secondly, it is, absolutely, fine to D.I.Y. Brazilians. But let’s face it, it may just require you to channel your inner Yogi in order to do it thoroughly, but it’s doable nonetheless. As a first timer to Brazilians, I suspect it may be a good idea to have it done professionally first, and then you can capably take over the reigns next time. The reason for letting a professional have a go initially is that they will be infinitely quicker at the job and possibly a little less painful. Let’s face it, no matter which side you part your hair on, Brazilians can be a tad ouchy until you get used to it. So the quicker it’s done, the better. Then you can get on with deciding if Brazilians are for you and if you’re feeling up to the task after seeing and experiencing what’s involved.
So what do you do once the baton is passed to you? What are the D.I.Y.-er’s essentials you ask? I wouldn’t even dream of attempting a Brazilian without the following:
An electric wax pot
A quality hard/hot wax
A mirror that can stand on its own
A waxing spatula
A quality pair of slant tweezers
A superb post wax oil (which can double as a pre wax oil too)
A quality strip wax and strips and an extra wax pot or pot insert for the strip wax
All of the above can be purchased from a reputable beauty supply store, which you can suss out from your local yellow pages. Go for the products that are best suited to your specific skin type and the best you can afford. Just to get you started, here are a few brands which should do the job nicely, but there are several decent lines and waxes available, so if you don’t see my recs., there’s sure to be other good ones about, so please don’t sweat it too much:
Wax pots- Caron, Lycon
Hard/Hot Wax- Arbre, Mancine, Lycon (which are made especially for sensitive areas)
Slant Tweezers- Tweezerman, Rubis
Post wax oil - Caron, Lycon
Strip Wax and Strips- Caron Venetian Spun Lace Depilatory Roll, Mancine XXX Wax (these are optional)
Without boring you with an entire waxing tutorial, I’ll just leave you with a little more by way of explanation regarding a few things to consider, should you wish, when waxing. Hot wax is generally the wax of choice when attending to sensitive areas, but strip wax can be used successfully on the Mons Pubis (the triangular area also affectionately known as the map of Tassie) which is the pubic area that remains visible when standing with your legs closed. If that’s sounding like a little too much palaver than only go the hot wax, which is more than fine. The benefits of strip wax in this area only, is that it can wax a greater area quicker and some reckon it also gets finer hairs too. If you have used the strip wax for the Mons Pubis area, then go over the entire pubic area with a little Post Waxing Oil. Not only will it remove any trace of residue wax, but will disinfect and soothe the area waxed and prepare the unwaxed area for the hot wax. The quality post waxing oil doubles as a necessary pre wax oil which you will need to apply before hot waxing as this protects the skin greatly. Well, the tweezers, you will need to remove the few rogue hairs that inevitably get missed when waxing. Generally tweezing after waxing isn’t anywhere near as painful as tweezing prior, because many hairs are loosened in the initial waxing process and tend not to resist removal too much when plucked at this time.
After waxing, it’s often not recommended to have a hot shower for the day or swim in chlorinated pools or spas. I’d also recommend that you not wear tight under garments or tight trousers for the day of the wax either, as they can be chaffing. And lastly, consider any waxing well before the week your period is due. In the premenstrual period our pain threshold is lowered, which makes us slightly more sensitive. So, if it can be helped, try and avoid waxing during this time like the plague. *shakes head and sighs* Trust me, it’s not worth it.
So there you have it. It is absolutely okay to D.I.Y. wax, just give yourself a bit of time, limber up beforehand, and give it a go. Too easy!
So Totally Handy.
I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to tell you about the gorgeous hand cream I am so into at the moment: Decléor Beauté Des Mains Nourishing Comforting Hand Cream. This divine golden tube of goodness is positively packed with essential oils, plant and marine extracts, which work fabulously together to soothe and protect the hands all day long. Beauté Des Mains contains both nourishing and anti-aging ingredients like shea butter, Prairie Pearl Oil, Pro-vitamin B, parsley extract and cypress essential oil, meadow foam oil, and ester of Vitamin E. Decléor Beauté Des Mains Nourishing Comforting Hand Cream doesn’t leave your hands greasy due to its light, yet effective, texture. This is, absolutely, a gorgeous little number to keep on hand. *pun intended*
Decléor Beauté Des Mains Nourishing Comforting Hand Cream is available from leading beauty salons, day spas and selected department stores. Visit True Solutions for more information on this little French beauty and much, much more!
The Best Anti-aging Product On The Market Is…
Sunscreen. SUNSCREEN. sunSCREEN. SUNscreen. SuNScreen. SuNsCrEeN. Sunscreen. Sunscreen. suNScreEn. SunscReen. SunScreen. Sunscreen applied regularly and liberally, each and every day, rain, hail or shine, indoors or out. Sunscreen used in this way that is of a quality formulation with ingredients that are specifically effective against UVA and UVB rays will be your “Numero Uno” weapon against fighting the signs of aging. Promise.
Oh, No You Didn’t!
Oh, yes I did. I couldn’t believe it myself. It appeared as if I was finally going to be beaten by a horror-monal blemish from Hell that could actually transcend the very best I could dish out. Despite my best efforts, this pimple continued to reign supreme. No amount of zit zapping or begging and pleading with mother nature to bring about this bad boy’s hasty demise would shift it. I am sure I once even heard the blasted thing bark, “Feed Me, Seymour!” I kid you not. The very split second before I steadied myself to concede defeat, I felt a surge of unmistakable feistiness and determination that is the hallmark of a true makeup maven or the savviest of skincare savants. I wasn’t going to go down easy. Almost as if I was having a surreal out of body experience, I reached, with deft precision, for my blackest liquid eyeliner and I DID IT! Yep, before I knew it, I had put a dot of liquid eyeliner smack dab on the apex of that baby and, much to my total amazement, it looked like the most adorable beauty mark! Aw. I loved it. I know, who would have thought it? That crazy, way out, seemingly hair-brained suggestion actually worked. Yesssss! Now the pimple’s gone. Is it wrong to do this brilliant trick without one?
What’s your wackiest makeup or skincare fix? Go on. Spill…
Why Should He Be The Only Smooth Operator?
*Cue Sade* Smoooooooth Operatoooooor. Thanks to Schick, us girls can now get in on the game. Schick Intuition Plus razors deliver a smooth shave that is positively perfect for those that dare to bare this winter. Schick Intuition Plus lathers, shaves, and moisturizes in one easy step. The moisturizing solid surrounding the 3 blades creates a creamy lather that is chock-full of conditioning ingredients such as Shea Butter, Aloe, and Vitamin E. Nice!
Schick Intuition Plus All-In-One razor is currently available in two varieties: Intense Moisture (enriched with Shea Butter) and Sensitive Care (with Aloe and Vitamin E). Both Intense Moisture and Sensitive Care razors include a refillable razor handle, two All-In-One Cartridges, a shower hanger, and a protective travel cap. They can be purchased from all major grocery, mass retailers, and pharmacy stores nationwide.