Oh, No You Didn’t!

Oh, yes I did. I couldn’t believe it myself. It appeared as if I was finally going to be beaten by a horror-monal blemish from Hell that could actually transcend the very best I could dish out. Despite my best efforts, this pimple continued to reign supreme. No amount of zit zapping or begging and pleading with mother nature to bring about this bad boy’s hasty demise would shift it. I am sure I once even heard the blasted thing bark, “Feed Me, Seymour!” I kid you not. The very split second before I steadied myself to concede defeat, I felt a surge of unmistakable feistiness and determination that is the hallmark of a true makeup maven or the savviest of skincare savants. I wasn’t going to go down easy. Almost as if I was having a surreal out of body experience, I reached, with deft precision, for my blackest liquid eyeliner and I DID IT! Yep, before I knew it, I had put a dot of liquid eyeliner smack dab on the apex of that baby and, much to my total amazement, it looked like the most adorable beauty mark! Aw. I loved it. I know, who would have thought it? That crazy, way out, seemingly hair-brained suggestion actually worked. Yesssss! Now the pimple’s gone. Is it wrong to do this brilliant trick without one?

What’s your wackiest makeup or skincare fix? Go on. Spill…

June 22, 2007. beauty tips, makeup tips, skincare tips. No Comments.

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