Seven Savvy Selections.

In honour of the 07/07/07, here are seven specially selected beauty items to keep you out of shtook and ever so scintillating:

1. Sunscreen
2. Blotting Papers
3. Lip balm
4. Miniature tube of mascara
5. Shimmery clear lip gloss
6. Nail file
7. Rose coloured crème lipstick

I kid you not. It’s a simple as that. Keep items like these seven little lifesavers in your handbag and you’ll always be sweet! Lipstick can double as a creme blush and the shimmery clear gloss can competently take your lips from day to dazzling with just a slick. I’ve even been known to sneak a tiny bit of gloss onto the cheeks for a subtle highlight or onto my lids for a quick ritz. A nail file, a small tube of sunscreen, lip balm and blotting papers are necessaries that one just simply shouldn’t ever be without. So handy! And mascara, well, who could deny the instantaneous “Wow” factor achieved with just a coat or two? Instant gorgeousness! Our favourite kind! So there you have it, seven savvy selections for the 7th of the 7th 07! Enjoy!

July 7, 2007. beauty tips, makeup, grooming, mascara, makeup tips, nails, beauty tools, skincare tips, lips. No Comments.

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