Heralds True Beauty.

“Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction.”

November 8, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips, beauty tools, beautiful quotations. No Comments.

The V Word.


I’m talking about vanity. According to most definitions of the word vanity, it is generally accepted to mean having a high opinion or pride in one’s appearance or worth. It’s often cavalierly bantered about as being a virtueless quality and something which one oughtn’t strive to have or be, which is largely issued with an insulting intention. Beauty Marked! would just like to go on the record and weigh-in as having said that there is an urgent need to reclaim and reframe this intensely loaded and often injurious word. There is great value, strength and love in acknowledging the vast beauty that is contained in us all, and which is often given wings to rightly soar when one embraces their tremendous worth and infinite beauty which lies both inside and out.

Taking pride in your appearance is a great thing. In doing this, it pays a loving and respectful tribute to the abundance of infinite and inner beauty we all possess. It is more than okay to bring our beauty out to play.

“I can never feel certain of any truth, but from a clear perception of its beauty.”
- John Keats

November 7, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips, grooming, beauty trends, beauty tools, makeup trends, beautiful quotations. No Comments.



Yep. Birds. This may just be one of Beauty Marked!’s oddest post to date, but it’s all about the joys of having a bit of bird about your space. Seriously, these winged beauties are a lofty reminder to keep our spirits high and focused on the beauty that abounds. Lately, I’ve been listening to a gorgeous asortee of bird songs on my computer while I work. It’s been fantastic. It transforms my work space into a delightful cottage garden or the tranquility of the tropics. Most people don’t actually register that there are birds chirping merrily away, but do remark on what a pleasant atmosphere the workspace has. I have even placed a several tracks of beguiling bird songs on my MP3 player which sweeten the daily commute no end and helps to keep one’s countenance. Softly playing bird songs at home brings a bountiful blissfulness that serves to keep your mood elevated and stress-free. You’ll notice the change in an instant. You are sure to love the chirpy boost you’ll get from these avian angels. Enjoy! Tweet! Tweet!

November 6, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tools. No Comments.

The Perfect Pillow.

Nothing like it, hey? But in this instance, I’m talking about the perfect pillow for exfoliating and polishing the face. Alpha-H has created the nattiest pillow-like pads designed to gently and effectively remove expired skin cells from the face while jump-starting the skin’s metabolism to re-invigorate lackluster, tired skin. Each Resurfacé Dual Effect Peeling Pad by Alpha-H is constructed from cotton and has two differently textured sides which tend to either the business of considerately polishing the skin on it’s smoother side or giving a slightly more vigorous exfoliation with its more corrugated side. The Resurfacé Dual Effect Peeling Pads are moistened with a blend of licorice root extract and glycolic acid, which work to tighten, refine pores and to clarify the skin.

Are you a bit worried about the presence of the word peeling in the name of this product? *whispers* So was I on first read. But after trialing them, I saw that there was no real cause for concern as it absolutely didn’t cause snake-like shedding. Phew! I suspect you will find this as well, that is, unless gylcolic acid/AHAs in low levels get you into strife on the whole or you have really sensitive or delicate skin. Resurfacé Dual Effect Peeling Pads used one evening a week or up to 3 times a week maximum will only work in concert with your current skincare regime to assist in achieving your gorgeous skincare goals. In fact, they really do come into their own when used on troublesome areas that appear to be a little slower in responding to your current skincare regime, like the T-Zone generally or other areas which tend to be more prone to congestion. Alpha-H Resurfacé Dual Effect Peeling Pads are absolutely worth keeping in your armoire and using to maintain stellar skin!

Visit www.alpha-h.com for your local stockist and to learn more about the entire Alpha-H range.

November 2, 2007. skincare, new products, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

Butch Beauty.

As you all know, I do most of my own guinea pigging for all of you lovely lasses, but generally or shall I say thankfully, pull up at products designed for the lad’s. In those instances when I need a bit of butch beauty expertise for the boys, I call in Mr. Beauty Marked! Sr. and Mr. Beauty Marked! Jr. to test some of the beaut boy bits about.

I am pleased to pass on the news that the most recent beauty item to get the boys in a lather in the Maison de Beauty Marked! is NIVEA For Men Sensitive Shaving Foam with Ultra Glide Technology. According to the Beauty Marked! boys, this shaving foam delivers a truly smooth, close, moisturizing, non-irritating and soothing shave. Mr. Beauty Marked! Sr., in particular, has skin which is incredibly sensitive to harsh chemical ingredients and is not backwards in coming forwards in letting him know. So with his sensitive skin’s considerations in mind, he was ever so pleased to report that not a single welt, rash, or raised recalcitrant nuisance was seen and his skin, post shave, felt nicely moisturized and protected. Phew! Mr. BM! Jr. couldn’t stop extolling the virtues of how the Sensitive Shaving Foam softened his beard quickly enough for a thoroughly effective shave in just a few minutes and not a nick was to be had. The boys were impressed.

The rave reviews from the Beauty Marked! boys were no doubt due to NIVEA’s exceptionally considerate shaving formulation. NIVEA For Men Sensitive Shaving Foam is ultra soothing, calming and protects the skin with its stellar ingredient line-up which contains chamomile, aloe vera, bisabolol, and Vitamin F. Nice.

This fantastic bit of butch beauty definitely bares remembering when your man’s next on the hunt for a great shave. Check out www.nivea.com for more!

October 31, 2007. skincare, grooming, hair, new products, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

A Gorgeous Gift!

Today, as with most days in fact, I was given the most spectacular gift. A gift which I acknowledge today, but really should do so every day as it is most precious, highly therapeutic, and of which I am so grateful. I suspect you too may have been a gracious recipient of its magic on more than several occasions as well as responsible for such Random Acts of Beauty (RABs) yourself. I am talking about the priceless gift of a heartfelt smile. How wonderful are they? Just amazing, if you really stop to think about it. A smile can make your day in a flash and and can absolutely make someone else’s. Smiles lovingly impart blessings of cheer and ignite a beautifully joyous flame which spreads like wildfire brightening everyone’s day. Yep, smiles are contagious and truth be told, probably one of the very few things out there that you’d actually want to catch. A smile: The gift that truly keeps giving!

October 30, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips, new products, beauty trends, beauty tools. 2 Comments.

Mineral Makeup Monday!

I know that many of you are big fans of mineral makeup, but a few may not of had the opportunity to make a foray into minerals as yet, so let’s see if we can inspire those who haven’t with a little challenge. Seeing that we’ve declared today as Mineral Makeup Monday, why not create a face with at least one item of mineral makeup and build your gorgeous look on that? Hey…you may even be able to swing a complete look based on several beaut mineral bits and bobs, if you’re lucky, and really get to experience the true magic of minerals in all their glory. You’ll love it!

…Just a few luxe offerings to get you going:

1. i.d Bare Escentuals Flawless Face Brush 2. ELES Mineral Foundation 3. ELES Super Gloss 4. i.d. BareMinerals Warm Radiance 5. Jane Iredale Cream To Powder Eyeliner 6. Jane Iredale PurePressed® Base 7. ELES Lush Mascara 8. INIKA Mineral Eyeshadows 9. i.d. BareMinerals in Glee.

October 29, 2007. skincare, makeup, mascara, makeup tips, new products, beauty trends, beauty tools, lips, makeup trends. 1 Comment.

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