

Yep. Birds. This may just be one of Beauty Marked!’s oddest post to date, but it’s all about the joys of having a bit of bird about your space. Seriously, these winged beauties are a lofty reminder to keep our spirits high and focused on the beauty that abounds. Lately, I’ve been listening to a gorgeous asortee of bird songs on my computer while I work. It’s been fantastic. It transforms my work space into a delightful cottage garden or the tranquility of the tropics. Most people don’t actually register that there are birds chirping merrily away, but do remark on what a pleasant atmosphere the workspace has. I have even placed a several tracks of beguiling bird songs on my MP3 player which sweeten the daily commute no end and helps to keep one’s countenance. Softly playing bird songs at home brings a bountiful blissfulness that serves to keep your mood elevated and stress-free. You’ll notice the change in an instant. You are sure to love the chirpy boost you’ll get from these avian angels. Enjoy! Tweet! Tweet!

November 6, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tools. No Comments.

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