World AIDS Day.
“Take the Lead: Stop AIDS. Keep the promise.”
What A Lovely Email.
I just had to share…
Dear Beauty Marked!,
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all of the different type of beauty stuff you have in your blog and online magazine, Beauty Marked!. I haven’t actually ever read anything that has such a variety of different things in it as does your stuff. I especially love the inspirational things you liberally mix across your writing. It’s such a breath of fresh air and very inspiring. I especially like how you make it okay for me to like myself. This alone, is definitely something you don’t read anywhere else. You also don’t prey on everyone’s insecurities which is perhaps what I love the most about Beauty Marked!. Thank you! Please keep up the great work.
*blush* Thank you so much for your generous and encouraging words. I can’t even begin to tell you how much they mean to me. I absolutely love what I do and can’t imagine ever not being able to write or talk about the beauty that moves and inspires me so. Prior to creating Beauty Marked!, I too felt there was a need for there to be a dedicated safe space or arena for everyone to lovingly explore and express their own infinite beauty. It is because of my commitment to creating and maintaining this safe space, that not only inspires, but hopefully calls us all into action to be the magnificent individuals that we are, that Beauty Marked! was born. That’s why you shouldn’t find any trash talk or those “looks you love to hate” here, because it is my wish to only truly be of service by encouraging absolutely everyone (who’ll hold still long enough) to experience how beautiful they (already) are. It’s all about going forth and spreading beauty and light, if you ask me. If you like, you can consider that a Beauty Marked! promise. *wink*
All the very best…as always!
-BM! xx
Pure Genius!
“Beauty is a form of genius- is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the greatest facts in the world: like sunlight, or Springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon.” -Oscar Wilde
For The Travelling Man.
Just because Beauty Marked! knows precisely how important it is to keep our men gorgeously groomed both home and away, we had to point you in the direction of this great travel kit from VitaMan. The VitaMan Travel Kit contains a stellar lineup of holistically minded skin and hair care products that are based on traditional native Australian plant and herbal extracts that have been expertly used by indigenous Australians for thousands of years. Every VitaMan product uses organic aloe vera as its base as opposed to mineral oil or lanolin which is pretty nifty within itself.
The VitaMan Travel Kit contains six 50-ml travel-sized tubes of great grooming products comprising of VitaMan Face & Body Cleanser, Face Moisturizer, Shave Crème, After Shave Balm, Shampoo, and Conditioner. But wait, it gets even better as all of this fabulousness comes in a soft and easily packable water-proof travel case with 6 internal pockets for the products and plenty more room for other grooming incidentals as well. He’ll just adore it…nearly as much as he adores you!
Unreasonably Beautiful.
“You don’t ever need a reason to be beautiful. Just be.” -Beauty Marked!
Spare A Spritz…
Spare a spritz of a gorgeously scented perfume for the darling young girl that adoringly watches as we get ready for the day. Just a petite spritz or dab on the wrist, neck, or behind the ears of our cherished little beauty allows her the opportunity to share in a glimpse of her rightful journey into the world of her own infinite beauty and to feel and smell the specialness that a luxe, heady fragrance brings. She then is gently and lovingly introduced to a part of what we prize about this beautiFULL world we gracefully exist in. Just one small loving spritz can have such a wonderfully big impact. So precious!
A Haute Thought.
“I don’t like standard beauty. There is no beauty without strangeness.”
-Karl Lagerfeld