Elephants Are Clever Possums.
For some reason, I always thought of elephants as the poster children for dry parchment-like skin. I know I’m not alone in this as I have heard many express a similar sentiment. I guess we could be forgiven for thinking that their skin is the way that it is, because of their continually having to brave the excessive heat and often harsh elements akin to their native environments. But the truth of the matter is, in fact, that elephants have extraordinarily delicate and sensitive skin. Go figure? So instead of resigning themselves to the hand they were dealt by Mother Nature, they instinctively know how to perfectly care for their skin. Smart cookies. As the sun easily parches and soon damages unprotected skin of all descriptions, elephant skin is just as fair game. The sun causes cuts and nicks in the elephant’s skin, which if left open and unattended, become a primo place for birds to pick at, insects to breed and for infection to gain access. I suspect a rogue Acacia tree’s barbed branch wouldn’t help matters much either. Elephants look after their skin by meticulously observing a daily skin cleansing and prepping ritual. After a daily wash to rid themselves of any parasites on their skin that have tried their luck since their last tub, elephants roll themselves in the dirt to form a protective barrier over their delicate skin. The earth not only seals the cracks and tears on the elephant’s skin and allows the healing to start, but prevents nefarious creatures from gaining access to them. The soil also acts as a highly effective sun filter, shielding the elephant from the harmful effects of its treacherous rays. They are such clever possums, indeed.
We could all take a leaf from Mother Nature’s How To book on skincare, for sure. I think I might have to pull up at the dirt rolling bit though, but certainly a liberal amount of sunscreen applied regularly and a swipe or three of mineral makeup are real possibilities. -That I could do!
*The great elephant pics and additional elephant info are courtesy of a gorgeous Beauty Marked!® reader, Beautifulmpa. She took these while out on one of her many wonderful adventures. Thanks! xx
Welcome To Ms. Necessity’s Corner.
Who in the ham fat is Ms. Necessity, you ask? Well, as luck would have it, Beauty Marked!® is pleased as punch to introduce you to our newest BM! editor-at-large, who most importantly and oh so meritoriously, just so happens to be the mother of invention. Ms. Necessity is a gorgeous, ever so resourceful beauty that’s near and dear to us all. She’s our beauty angel. Turn to her for quick thinking, sagely, tried and tested, and ultra nifty tips and hints. Ms. Necessity is also known as the virtual patron saint to D.I.Y.-ers, those who are time poor, cash strapped, to those who have memories like sieves when shopping (especially when it comes to much needed toiletries), and to all getters of even more gorgeousness. Ms. Necessity gets you out of shtook every time.
Have you run out of deodorant? Forgot to pick up more toothpaste? Is your hair a tad dry? Well, try these beauties, courtesy of Ms. Necessity, on for size:
-If you’ve run out of deodorant, never fear. Just race to the kitchen and grab a chubby pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and press it into your underarms after you’ve washed. This is sure to keep you fresh.
-No need to swoon because you blanked on toothpaste when shopping last. Just go the trusty baking soda and mix it into a paste with a squeeze of lemon juice and “brush, a brush, a brush ah!”
- Could your hair do with being a little less dry? Apply a tablespoon or so of warmed olive or coconut oil into your tresses and rub in well. Wrap your hair in a warmed towel, plastic bag, or shower cap and leave the oil to sit for at least an hour then wash out. Apply shampoo neat to your hair before wetting to ensure that the oil is thoroughly removed, then shampoo as usual. Ta da! hair that feels moisturized and full of bountiful brilliance!
Invention, your mother rocks!…Thanks, Ms. Necessity.
Step Away From The Scrubs.
Yes, I know. Your skin feels positively invigorated and is clear and flake free. Some would say glowing even. I might actually have to agree with you, but too much of a good thing can turn pear-shaped in an instant. Scrubs seem to work their stellar best when used once weekly for the most part. I know many scrubs are often prescribed for more frequent use, but for many folks that’s pushing the envelope, for sure. Skin that has fallen prey to too frequent exfoliation can get easily stripped of its much needed precious oils and will mutiny by producing even more oils (read: oil slick) in attempts to self preserve. Scrub-a-holics can end up with dehydrated skin that is evidenced by insatiably dry skin and fine lines that seems unable to retain moisture, despite your best efforts. This collateral damage is not warranted as you can totally maintain the “beaut” effects by using scrubs regularly: just once a week to artfully dodge any ill effects of over scrubbing. So despite how morish scrubs and their wonderful results can be, just remember what Tony the tortoise said to Jimmy the hare, “Steady on, Jimmy. S-S-Slow and steady wins the race.”
Just The Facts, Ma’am.
Beauty is not caused, it is. -Emily Dickinson
You Deserve It. Indeed You Do!
This is just a super quick, yet important, post to say…Go on…buy that special treat you’ve been thinking of, spritz on that gorgeous fragrance that makes you feel awesome, hold your head up just that little bit higher today, turn the music up a bit and sing to your heart’s content, reach for that gorgeous new lipstick you adore and smile. Just posting to remind you that you do deserve it! You deserve whatever brings you joy, always. Simply because you’re beautiful!
A Cheerful Reply…
To a comment from a cherished reader posted yesterday:
What eyeshadow colour would you recommend for everyday wear? I have olive skin tone, dark brown eyes and black hair. I want my eyes to stand out!
A hearty arsenal of everyday eyeshadow options heralds a true makeup maven. Even though I am a card carrying member of the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it club”, I still feel it’s a sign of the savvy to have several staple options on hand to suit every eventuality. While EOTD (eye of the day) looks tend to be more on the neutral side of spectrum, they needn’t be boring. Although matte shadows do have a place, it’s often best to have a little bit of finely milled shimmer or barely there opalescence in your neutral to give it a modest yet beguiling edge. So what am I talking here? I’m talking eyeshadows that range in colour from champagne, rose gold, taupey- plums, frosted peach, mink, golden pearls, burnished bronze, cashmere, gunmetal, shimmering chocolate and pearlescent olives. Most of these neutrals, if not all, should certainly suit.
For ultra flattering eyes that won’t be missed, a simple wash of shadow across the lids will do the trick nicely. No need to worry about using additional colour along the Outer V, brow highlight or crease unless the spirit moves you, but a wee smudge of liner (in a darker version of the colour used as a wash) to tightline will make your eyes pop (in the most lady-like way, of course). Absolute lashings of mascara on curled lashes and a dressed brow will finish off your EOTD to perfection. This type of makeup application will always give you a gorgeously polished eye for day. Now if you’re feeling like you want to really stand out, but not in a sore thumb kind of way, this is a prime time to break out your coloured eyeliners and head straight for your waterline. How heavenly is a line of darkened teal, violet, sapphire, or jade, coquettishly winking at you from the waterline? Just scrumptious. Have a play with a few combinations and you’ll soon have several delectable favourites at the ready for each and every day of your long makeup wearing life. Most of all, have fun! *whispers* -Yet another secret to being infinitely beautiful.
Black Or Brown?
Q. What’s the best colour mascara to wear for a classic day makeup look?
A. Well, it depends is the start of the long answer. Both, for the short answer. I know this is sounding, already, like one of the more befuddling koans used to provoke enlightenment, but it’s not as tricky as it may seem. I promise you. For our fair haired mavens brown mascara will add a lofty flutter to your lashes that exudes class. For our darker haired divas both black or brown will work a treat, but brown is more likely to give you that YLBB (your lashes but better) look which leaves them intrigued. I absolutely adore brown mascara on ravishing redheads, without a doubt, for day. Black haired beauties may feel mega fabulous with a few of lashings of black mascara, for sure. But in all honesty, always feel free to flip the script and go against convention if you feel so inspired. See…so really, both can work. Just ensure that your lashes are separated and clump-free and you’re sure to look gorgeous whichever colour you choose!