Beauty Mail!


Dear Beauty Marked!

Thanks for all the time and expert work you put into this blog. I am continually amazed with how each and every day you manage to post something so cool and very inspirational. I love it!

I wanted to know what you thought of acrylic nails and whether or not they are a bit old fashioned. I particularly like the french acrylics.

You are very welcome Gorgeous One, as it’s my complete pleasure!

You know, I must say, I don’t half mind acrylic nails to be honest. Mid length to just longer than short and naturally squared in shape look adorable, especially when they are immaculately maintained. In fact, when they are sculpted in the way just mentioned, acrylics can look very natural and their faux status is darn near imperceptible. I don’t think the longer more talon like acrylics are particularly on trend, but if that’s what makes one feel beautiful then Go For It! I say. As for a good ole french manicure, well, who can pass up this bit of classic loveliness, now really? Shortish and natural would be the operative words when it comes to acrylics. Do though be sure that you are going to a nail salon that is not only reputable, but observes the imperative and highly stringent hygiene regulations if you do decide to go the faux.

Again, it’s always a pleasure to receive and answer cherished reader emails, so please feel free to keep them coming.

-BM! xx

January 20, 2008. grooming, nails, beauty trends. No Comments.



What kind of grease? Ambergis. I know not why, but I just felt inspired to post a wee spotlight on Ambergris. Ambergris is a product of the Sperm whale’s biliary system and is often found secreted in the whale’s intestines and later excreted. I know, I know, end Discovery Channel-like synopsis already. But this super cool, somewhat sweet, musky and earthy smelling gray or very occasionally blackish waxy, solid, and highly flammable substance has been traditionally used in manufacture of fine perfumes and can be found, albeit rarely, washed up on many shores around the globe. Ambergris is used as a fragrant fixative in perfumery and is often what gives the rather musk-like scent to many perfumes.

Due to Ambergris’ obvious whale connection, it is hardly used these days and quality synthetic Ambergis is incorporated out of preference and remains highly effective for use in fragrance manufacture. At a time, it was prohibited to use Ambergris in fragrance due to its ties to the whaling industry, but the legislature preventing its use was overturned as many believe it not to be a byproduct of the whaling industry. Afterall, Ambergris can be found washed up on shores and harvested far from the presence or contact of Sperm whales still to this day. Although there is currently no prohibition on natural Ambergris’ use, it is often given a wide berth for ecological reasons and sensitivities nonetheless. Betcha didn’t know all that. Pretty neat, hey? Good ole Ambergris.

January 5, 2008. All things beauty, beauty trends, fragrance, beauty tools. No Comments.

And So It Is.

“in the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. My life is ever new. Each moment of my life is new and fresh and vital. I use my affirmative thinking to create exactly what I want. This is a new day. I am a new me. I think differently. I speak differently. I act differently. Others treat me differently. My new world is a reflection of my new thinking. It is a joy and a delight to plant new seeds, for I know these seeds will produce my new experiences. All is well in my world.”
-Louise L. Hay.

**Glorious excerpt from Louise L. Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life

January 2, 2008. All things beauty, beauty trends, beautiful quotations, Affirmations. 1 Comment.

A BeautiFULL Blast From The Past…

Seeing that we all seem to be still caught up with the merriment of Festive Season, I thought it might be a great opportunity to reacquaint you with of a couple of Get Even More Gorgeous With Beauty Marked! posts of yore that were so nice, they’re worth mentioning twice!


December 27, 2007. All things beauty, skincare, beauty tips, new products, beauty trends, skincare tips. No Comments.

Boxing Day Beautification.

And yes, there is such a thing, of course. So for me, it shall comprise of drinking copious amounts of water, eating salads and fresh fruit, a clay face mask and maybe a super sneaky bit of trifle. I reckon my skin (and my kidneys) will really thank me for it after yesterday’s not so frugal repast. What about you? Fancy a face mask, mani, pedi or a languid soak? Go the whole hog, why not? You are so worth it and as quiet as it’s kept, that’s what Boxing Day is really all about. Enjoy!

December 26, 2007. beauty tips, beauty trends, skincare tips. No Comments.

Great Expectations!

Cheerfulness and Contentment are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks.” -Charles Dickens

December 23, 2007. All things beauty, beauty trends, beauty tools, skincare tips, makeup trends, beautiful quotations. No Comments.

I’m Starting To Dig This Email Posting.

Well not really, but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. *smiles politely then roll eyes* I am still having to submit the Get Even More Gorgeous With Beauty Marked! Blog posts via email which is doable, but it can only accommodate a rather No-Frills type post. That’s cool. We can get with the less is more, right? So in the meantime, while waiting for these last few technical hitches to be sorted, I’d appreciate it tremendously, if you kept the gorgeous and immensely inspiring emails and comments flowing in all about “What Makes You Feel Beautiful?” that would be fabulous. Gosh, the replies I have received to date have just been amazing! I look forward to sharing them with you in the New Year. So please keep the gorgeousness rolling in.

(A big sQuIsHy) Thanks!
-BM! x

December 21, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips, beauty trends, beauty tools. No Comments.

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