Bust Stress And Bust Not.

Here’s a great stress busting aromatherapy recipe based on three gorgeously effective 100% pure essential oils and is just divine when placed in a vaporizer or oil burner:

3 drops of Petitgrain
2 drops of May Chang (Lemon Verbena)
1 drop of Ylang Ylang

This wondrous mood elevator also works when dripped onto a tissue or hanky and used as a sniffer when a burner is not suitable. Just sniff as needed. You’ll be chilled out in an instant with this rapidly effective little lifesaver. This beauty is definitely worthwhile to keep up your sleeve (or in your burner, pocket, or handbag) for such times when you could do with traveling a little lighter during stressful times.

*The electric oil vaporizer pictured above is a special Beauty Marked!® Limited Edition Burner, which is available for purchase for $49.00 AUD plus P&H for those wishing to get even more gorgeousness about! (International shipping is gladly made available as is any plug conversion required for a small additional fee). Just drop Beauty Marked! an email to arrange purchase or find out more. It’s our complete pleasure to assist!

November 21, 2007. All things beauty, new products, beauty tools. No Comments.

Culture’s Rarest Pearls.

We’ve got to hand it to M.A.C.. They really are just too cool for school. They are the cultivators of “New Cool” to be precise. There are no gradations where they’re concerned. The Stylistics Collection by M.A.C. is imminently due to hit our shores in true style. Like they’d arrive in any other fashion.

“The cultivated new cool of 21st century Hepcats. When it comes to style, design, and hip, they’re in the know…they’re the true jazz, culture’s rarest and richest pearls. Act smooth, be soft, but diamond-sharp…super cool. Their paradox is the mystery. There’s glamour in the je ne sais quoi.”

Stylistics Lipstick
In Vogue Neutral mid-tone brown with gold pearl (frost)
Soft Pout Sheer pink peach with pearl (frost)
Stylistic Vibrant yellow red (cream)
The Scene Deep Berry (cream)

Stylistics Lipglass
Conversational Sheer creamy white with pink pearl (frost)
Witty Intense red with red pearl (frost)
Tastemaker Deep wine with red and gold pearl (frost)
Hyper Chic Neutral caramel brown (frost)

Sheerspark Pressed Powder
Solitaire Beige with gold pearl
Warm Ice Soft pink peach with pink pearl
Pave Dirty pink with gold pearl
Fashionette Berry with red and pink pearl

Sheer Mystery Powder
Model Chic Warm beige
Lighthearted Caramel
Dark Secret Deep Caramel

316 Stylistics Special Edition brush
224 Stylistics Special Edition brush
129 Stylistics Special Edition brush

Stylistics Clutch Vintage-inspired Evening clutch

The Stylistics Collection by M.A.C. available from December 3rd, 2007 from David Jones’ counters exclusively.

November 19, 2007. makeup, makeup tips, new products, beauty trends, beauty tools, lips, makeup trends. 2 Comments.

Who Deserves A Holiday More?

There would be no shortage of folks that routinely swap around their skincare products because they feel that their skin is in need of a change. After all, change is as good as a holiday…right? In fact, it is often said that one’s skin starts to develop a tolerance for any extended use product and starts to look lackluster or even breakout as a result of prolonged use of a singular product or system and that’s just par for the course. The truth, in fact, is that in most cases, your skin is not developing a tolerance, so to speak, but is actually falling prey to the dreaded product buildup. It’s as simple as that. This unintentional buildup can cause the complexion to dull, pores to block, lack of healthy oxygenation and reactions to occur, even in the face of regular and seemingly thorough cleansing. Go figure? A lot of the time, the little sneaky bits of petroleum based ingredients (e.g. mineral oils), silicones, and synthetic clays can form a barrier across your skin which can prevent deep cleansing, exfoliating and much needed vitamins, minerals, and other assorted bits of goodness from having a positive effect on your skin. Who would have thunk it?

So what do you do? Besides being as fastidious as possible with the ingredients you are willing to allow in your skincare product before purchase, just ensure that you are attending to a clarifying cleanse at least weekly. A great way to clarify the skin naturally, is by using a clean water dampened cotton square and further moisten with a few drops of organic cider vinegar or lemon juice and wipe across your face in much the same way as you would a toner and finish up with a rinse of water and moisturize as per usual. Again, this once weekly trick should cut through any buildup that’s threatening to take hold and free you to at least finish up the product your digging at the moment.

Did you know that the leading cause of pimples and congestion on your back is due to a buildup of hair care product? Yep, back bumps are a dead giveaway of the nuisances of product buildup. *Sigh* Luckily, the treatment’s the same as for the skin on your gorgeous face.

So by all means have a holiday, but just make sure it involves lots of sun, sea, surf…and a few of those cute little cocktail umbrellas thrown in for good measure!

November 16, 2007. skincare, beauty tips, hair, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

Beauty Mail!


Hiya Beauty Marked!,

Why do you often suggest that there are times that are better for waxing and tweezing than others? As far as I’m concerned anytime is a bad time. LOL

I hear ya, sister! What a beaut question and expressed sentiment. I have, on occasion, found myself to be a card carrying member of the “No Time Is the Best Time to Wax or Tweeze Club” too. The reason I often suggest that, if possible, it’s best to avoid the week before our period is due is because our pain threshold is markedly lower during this stage of our monthly cycle. This lowered pain threshold is all down to what our premenstrual hormones or as I like to say, “horror-mones” are doing at this time. So if you can avoid this week, do. Who needs the potential of additional insult added to injury? If you can’t…well, just take several deep breaths and keep ‘em coming. Always remember to B-R-E-A-T-H-E.

Hope this helps some.

-BM! x

November 13, 2007. beauty tips, grooming, hair, beauty tools, skincare tips, eyebrows. No Comments.

Phew! There’s Still Time…

We consider it our beauty civic duty to let you know that there’s still time to enter for a chance to win all these bits of exquisite gorgeousness, but you’ve got to get cracking!

WHO: M.A.C Cosmetics and Net-A-Porter

WHAT: M.A.C for McQueen online competition - No purchase necessary!

MAC and NET-A-PORTER.COM add magic to your Fall with this bewitching combo: The MAC for McQueen collection plus the Alexander McQueen patent leather, suede-lined, mini box-clutch with crystal-jeweled skull clasp.

Approximate total retail value: $1,500 AUD!

WHEN: October 29 to December 08, 2007

WHERE: www.maccosmetics.com.au/mcqueen

Enough said? Good Luck!

-BM! xx

November 12, 2007. makeup, mascara, new products, beauty tools, lips, makeup trends. 1 Comment.

Think Beautifully.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


November 11, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips, beauty tools, beautiful quotations. No Comments.

A Bit Of Spoon Playing…Perhaps?

A girl can’t have too many tricks up her sleeve to serve as nifty quick fixes to sort out those nuisance beauty pickles that pop up every now and again, now can she? When your fresh out of sliced cucumber or potato and two puffy under eyes are starring back at you from the mirror, what’s your first port of call? The kitchen. Place two teaspoons into the freezer and when icy cold, remove and wrap in a clean tissue. Press the tissue wrapped teaspoon’s bottom or rather rounded side onto the offending under eye area for 2 minutes or so. This natty trick is sure to send those puffy bags packing. *idea*

November 10, 2007. beauty tips, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

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