And It Still Stands.

Thoughts both instantly and fondly flow back to my darling grandmother who used to always say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” when it came to any tried and tested remedy or way of thinking. This sagely advice seems to nicely apply to the Beauty Marked! premise on how we perceive our lovely selves as posted in the Get Even More Gorgeous With Beauty Marked! blog in September 07. Please do enjoy this encore posting, as it’s just another handy BM! offering on how to get even more gorgeous, Gorgeous!

Disruptions To Perception.

January 14, 2008. All things beauty, beauty tips, beauty tools, Affirmations. No Comments.

Water Therapy.

Just a gentle reminder to say don’t forget about the power of a shower (I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it). Silly rhymes aside, when all else fails… go the warm shower. I only post this as some days it’s a lot harder to kick it into to gear than other days and not much else seems helpful. This I can absolutely appreciate and relate to. For days and times like these: Go The Shower. You can even drip a few drops of soothing essential oils like Neroli, Petitgrain, Ylang Ylang, Rose, and Lavender or any others that you fancy along the far side of the shower, out of the direct spray of the water, and allow the heat of the shower to give these therapeutic oils wings. Before long, you are sure to feel better than human again. Ooh, and don’t forget these times (as with all times really) especially call for the obligatory luxe shower gel and post shower fragranced moisturizer to nourish also. Mmmm. Water therapy… there’s nothing like it!

January 12, 2008. skincare, beauty tips, grooming, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

You’ll Be Sweet!

I have just learned how to make the “sweetest” hair spray at home. What’s even better about this “good enough to eat” hair spray is it’s a 2 ingredient wonder that will provide you with a gentle hold. All you need to make this beauty is a spray bottle, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and 4 tablespoons of hot water. Dissolve the sugar in the hot water, transfer to spray bottle, shake well and spritz on as desired. Too easy!

NB. I can vouch for this gorgeous little homemade hairspray’s effectiveness. However, I can’t say with 100% certainty that the ants won’t adore this hairspray as much, if not more than you. Eek! Only kidding!

January 7, 2008. grooming, hair, new products, beauty tools. No Comments.



What kind of grease? Ambergis. I know not why, but I just felt inspired to post a wee spotlight on Ambergris. Ambergris is a product of the Sperm whale’s biliary system and is often found secreted in the whale’s intestines and later excreted. I know, I know, end Discovery Channel-like synopsis already. But this super cool, somewhat sweet, musky and earthy smelling gray or very occasionally blackish waxy, solid, and highly flammable substance has been traditionally used in manufacture of fine perfumes and can be found, albeit rarely, washed up on many shores around the globe. Ambergris is used as a fragrant fixative in perfumery and is often what gives the rather musk-like scent to many perfumes.

Due to Ambergris’ obvious whale connection, it is hardly used these days and quality synthetic Ambergis is incorporated out of preference and remains highly effective for use in fragrance manufacture. At a time, it was prohibited to use Ambergris in fragrance due to its ties to the whaling industry, but the legislature preventing its use was overturned as many believe it not to be a byproduct of the whaling industry. Afterall, Ambergris can be found washed up on shores and harvested far from the presence or contact of Sperm whales still to this day. Although there is currently no prohibition on natural Ambergris’ use, it is often given a wide berth for ecological reasons and sensitivities nonetheless. Betcha didn’t know all that. Pretty neat, hey? Good ole Ambergris.

January 5, 2008. All things beauty, beauty trends, fragrance, beauty tools. No Comments.

Little Downy Darlings.

Several months ago I wrote a Get Even More Gorgeous With Beauty Marked! Blog post come poem in the form of an address to one of my most favourite beauty tools and it’s definitely worthy of singing its praises once again. Actually, this natty little downy darling is not only deserved of a royal repost, but quite possibly public holiday-worthy, if you ask me. So in the meantime, while not-so-patiently awaiting the Public Holiday Decreeing Council to convene and come to my senses, here’s an esteemed encore posting for your reading pleasure. All hail the humble cotton bud! Ode To A Cotton Bud


January 3, 2008. beauty tips, grooming, makeup tips, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

The End Is REALLY Nigh.

I am so sure this year has flown by a heck of a lot quicker than the last. Wouldn’t you agree? Currently I am nursing my last flu of 2007. I guess the upshot of that is that I can now rest assured that this will be one less bug I can look forward to not getting in 2008! No prizes for guessing that my NYE makeup will be comprised of veritable tons of concealer! I might even call the green stuff to duty to hold the fort under my Rudolphian nose.

Just really wanted to post to say that my best 2007 NYE makeup tip for all FOTNs (Face Of The Night) will be layer, layer, layer! No joke. Layer all that you can for the greatest makeup steadfastness. These “oldie but goodie” BM! blog posts of yore may just be what you’re after:

But if you can’t be fussed and are of the school of thought that espouses the “Go Hard Or Go Home” belief, well all I have to say to you then is… You Go Girl! *whispers* I don’t half mind the Rock Chick/Hooker Panda Look myself as quiet as it’s kept.

Most importantly, have a great & safe NYE and an even better 2008! See ya next year Gorgeous Ones!

-BM! xx

December 31, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips, makeup, makeup tips, beauty tools. No Comments.

A Great Beauty Buy!

You wouldn’t believe it if you read about it, but the uber cheap facial tissues from the $2 (.99¢ USD) Shop are just brilliant for having on hand when applying cosmetics. Seriously. The cheapies totally leave their more luxe and famed elder sisters in their wake. Who would of thought it? The super soft, thickly plied, much fancier tissues often leave annoying downy bits of fiber on your face which love nothing more than to display their plush magnetism by sticking fast. The more expensive, thicker ply tissues are also not very absorbent when it comes to all things cosmetic. The cheap and cheerful tissue numbers are superb at blotting up the excess oils in makeup, moisturizers, sunscreens, primers etc.. They tend to only sop up excess oils while leaving coveted pigment behind. Cheap tissues also seem to work at their stellar best when peeled down to one ply and used singly. Very cool. I suspect that’s actually due to their sheer lack of fibers of any real discernible ply that make it a near impossibility to leave any behind on your gorgeous face. So do be sure to pop into your local $2 dollar (.99¢ USD) Shop and snaffle up a box of these handy and cheap as chips little gems to keep on the ready just for makeup use. Ooh, do we ever love a nifty beauty bargain buy!

December 29, 2007. skincare, beauty tips, makeup, makeup tips, beauty tools, skincare tips, lips. No Comments.

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