By Jingoes!

I know. Incorrigible, I am. I think I may have found THE most amazing eye and lip makeup remover on this planet. I kid you not. Shizen Certified Organic Lip & Eye Make-up Remover is just awesome! As we all know, I do fancy a little bit (okay, a BIG bit) of eye makeup and the more tenacious the better. So with my penchant for long-wearing eye makeup, a little tickle with a run of the mill remover isn’t going to make a lick of difference. Shizen Certified Organic Lip & Eye Make-up Remover doesn’t take any mess from the best of the not easily discouraged. This little beauty is so gentle, ultra nourishing, uber effective and exceedingly graceful in persuading your eye and lip makeup to take leave. I’ve never been so excited to remove my makeup before using this gorgeous little number. You’ve got to grab a bottle just to witness the maestro at work. Just fabulous! Shizen Lip & Eye Make-up Remover is the business!

September 19, 2007. skincare, makeup tips, new products, beauty tools, lips. No Comments.

Always A Breath Of…

Fresh air we hope. A simple way to avoid bad breath and to ensure that it’s fresh is to make certain that you eat at least 3 proper meals a day. They don’t need to be meals the size to befit The Great Humongous, but 3 balanced meals comprised of healthy gorgeousness are just perfect. Skipping meals allow odour causing bacteria to buildup in your mouth which is a big contributor to bad breath. Brushing your tongue as well as routine brushing and flossing will keep your breath fresh for sure. That way, you can reserve the hotness for your fine self and not your breath!


September 18, 2007. beauty tips, grooming, beauty tools. No Comments.

Now Is That Really Necessary?

As graciously emailed:

Hello Beauty Marked!. Thank you so much for putting together a killer beauty blog and online beauty magazine. I’m 100% sure that you have really made such a difference to my knowledge about makeup, skincare and as you always say…to all things beauty! At the moment, I only have one question that continues to niggle away at me:

Is it really necessary for me to curl my eyelashes? I never do and wondered if maybe I should?

As gleefully answered:

*melts* Thank you so much for your kind words (and great question)! They mean so much to me and it’s always my complete pleasure to be of service. *big grin*

As for curled eyelashes, I’m a big fan. Curled lashes really open the eyes up and add tremendously to one’s beguiling beauty. Even those with short lashes can gain a fair bit of glam from curling their lashes then applying a lengthening mascara. For those with poker straight eyelashes…well, what better way to get them to stand and stay at attention, than to curl them and then apply a few coats of waterproof mascara? Curled lashes are a lifesaver for those with free-range lashes that just are hell bent on doing their own thing. A well wielded eyelash curler will get even the most recalcitrant lashes to figuratively straighten up and fly right, for sure! Curled lashes (and separated and de-clumped ones) are really much like groomed brows: an integral part of creating a gorgeous, overall-polished look. So to make what only required a short answer even longer (because we all know I can’t help myself)…Yes, curled lashes are necessary. Absolutely!

September 5, 2007. beauty tips, grooming, mascara, makeup tips, beauty tools, eyebrows. 1 Comment.

Betty Who?


There’s nothing Betty Davis eyes about those arresting peepers. These super polished and super beautiful eyes are courtesy of the ever-so-talented and ultra charming Tom Pecheaux for Emmanuel Ungaro AW08. When asked…the dashing Tom Pecheaux wanted us to know all about those uber alluring and exceedingly sultry eyes created from sheer M.A.C. genius:

Cue eyes built up in winged, multi-dimensional shadow, a seamless mix of eyeshadow in Showstopper and Carbon (to make ebony brown) pulled out from the socket. Fluidline in Blacktrack wrapped along the upper and outer half of the bottom lashlines and a feathering of eyeshadow in Fiction (a chromatic olive) on the lid. The brows were tinted deeper with a speedy brush through with mascara in Charcoal Brown followed by a brow brush to pull extra attention to the siren-like gaze.

Beauty Marked! absolutely has to agree, this look is just pure unadulterated smolder. I’ll have a pair of those, thanks!

Order up this look and much more M.A.C. gorgeousness online or at your nearest M.A.C. counter. Mmmm…

August 29, 2007. makeup, mascara, makeup tips, new products, beauty trends, beauty tools, makeup trends, eyebrows. 1 Comment.

It’s A Bit Warpo, Really…

Nail polish, that is. Ever polished your nails in the evening, just before bed, in anticipation for the following days adventures? Filed and shaped your nails like the gorgeous beauty that you are, gone the obligatory base coat, 2 coats of colour, a top coat, assumed the requisite nail drying position and before time fallen asleep! Drats! Me too! Sometimes you can be lucky and zonk out with your nails free from anything that will emboss your polish, other times… not so lucky. You awaken from your much needed beauty sleep only to find your polish has gone warpo and is now not so gorgeously shiny, but kind of matte and unintentionally texturized. Grrrr. Now what? Fingers crossed, you can just barely wet a cotton bud with nail polish remover and quickly and lightly swipe the unflatteringly embossed area in one direction from your nail bed towards your finger tips (the direction in which you applied the polish) to sort it out. This may just smooth the offending area enough that a top coat is all that’s needed to bring back a smooth glistening shine. Alternately, you may have to go with one uber light coat of coloured polish first then follow up with topcoat. Most times, this will get you out of shtook. An additional slick of top coat alone works a treat for restoring matte nails to their intended stellar finish a great majority of the time. If neither of these tips are working, you might just have to take off the polish and start again. Sighs. But do weigh up the time and frustration factor before you head down that road. Are your nails really that jacked up? Can’t you get away with a little tart up and just keep your hands moving so no one can get a clear fix on your random design? Are you positive you can’t just rock your mani like you meant it? After all, apparently the word on the street is that the deconstructed manicure is all the rage in the Paris shows. -And that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

August 21, 2007. grooming, makeup tips, nails, beauty tools. 1 Comment.

Wouldn’t You Know It.

It’s always the way isn’t it? My face, a shoe in for first runner up in the 2007 Elephant Eyes of the Year Contest and I had a meeting to attend! Don’t you hate that? No, I most certainly did not go out warts (or crepes) and all, but did my best camouflage makeup and prayed that I wouldn’t be adding insult to injury. So What did I do? I washed my face with lukewarm water only and gently pat dry with a clean towel. Then while my face was still a tad damp, I carefully pressed on a small amount of certified organic jojoba oil all over my face, including my crepey eyes. After a minute or two, I gently patted my face again with the same towel that was still slightly damp from drying my face just prior to remove any excess jojoba oil. The jojoba oil not only acted as the perfect moisturizer, as it is very sebum-like, but it also ever so slightly re-hydrated the deeper crevices that were in fact, the most sore. I then applied several light kabuki brush loads of pressed mineral base all over my face. The more matte the mineral makeup the better, as there is no need to bring extra attention by highlighting and shimmerizing the flair-up is there? After ensuring the minerals were blended in properly and not sitting up on top of the more scaly looking bits that were courteously provided by the allergy, I applied one swipe only of mineral eyeshadow to my top lids and gently blended well. I curled my lashes and applied a coat of mascara only to the top lashes. Next, I groomed and slightly filled in my brows. To finish off my look I went a few sheer slicks of mineral gloss and left it at that. Thankfully, my elephant eyes scrubbed up nicely. Phew!

August 19, 2007. beauty tips, makeup, makeup tips, beauty tools, skincare tips, lips. No Comments.

Workspace Beautification.

Yes, your workspace aught to be a reflection of all things beautiful too…absolutely! I do understand that work is work and for many, just a necessary requirement to keep us in the lifestyle that we have become accustomed, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful. In my office, I have several small, yet cherished items that just keep me connected to the more sumptuous elements of life. They are just little reminders of the abundance of loveliness in the life we lead. I have a small electric essential oil burner that wafts about the most perfect essential oil reminders of the exquisite things. I vary the essential oils I put in according to mood or situation, but Neroli, Ylang Ylang, and Petitgrain are favourites. This blend seems to give me a calming yet confident boost to the day. Lavender, rosemary, and basil essential oils spark the little grey cells with great aplomb. These are just some of the fabulously fragrant essential oils that you can combine to enhance your existence in any workspace. I occasionally drip a few drops of essential oils on a tissue and tuck it in my handbag or pocket for a delightful little sniff to keep me on track.

Crystals and minerals are also wonderful items to beautify your workspace. Have a few on hand to gaze at and to energize your work area. Celestite is one of my personal favourites to have about (as pictured)…not to mention Fluorite, Amethyst, Labradorite, smoky and clear quartz to name a few. (But you don’t want to get me started here as I have so many beautiful stones that I hardly have room for my papers!). Stones, like people, are infinitely beautiful too and generously give so much by virtue of their beauty alone. Place one or two, at least, in your work environment and enjoy their magical presence.

Candles, photographs of cherished ones and adored places, small mementos and keepsakes also keep beauty abounding and our thoughts and energies high. Just like Doreen Virtue says, “beautiful thoughts lead to beautiful outcomes.” Never truer words were uttered. Wouldn’t you agree? Do chose something though, no matter how small to beautify your space. It’s amazing how something so small can have such a beautifully big impact…It might even make your day! I suspect it might, in fact. *wink*

*The gorgeous Celestite image courtesy of the lovely Rebecca, owner of That Crystal Site. “When Quality Matters”, That Crystal Site is just extraordinary and my “go to” site for stones…every time!

August 13, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tools. No Comments.

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