Pleasant Surprises!

Nothing more to this Get Even More Gorgeous With Beauty Marked! post, but to share how much pleasant surprises can mean. Pleasant surprises are welcomed and often spontaneous Random Acts of Beauty (RABs) that, absolutely, can make someone’s day. It’s amazing how one generally appreciates little thoughtful gifts and simple gracious gestures from another that weren’t anticipated. Delivery and receipt of such “out of the blue” delectable delights, like a heartfelt compliment, a token cadeau, or even that perfect cup of coffee or tea can be so precious to the unsuspecting. Pleasant surprises create the most gorgeous and far-reaching ripple effect that can end up moving and inspiring more than you ever imagined…including your lovely self! So, Go For It and, most importantly, enjoy it!

March 14, 2008. All things beauty, beauty tools. 1 Comment.

One Comment

  1. KIA replied:

    cute post! stopping by to say hello to you! have a great weekend!

    March 15th, 2008 at 6:33 am. Permalink.

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