
-No, I’m not from New Zealand. But I did want to let you know that a couple of eggs used on your tresses can dramatically and most excellently boost the condition of your hair. What’s better is that all you need to do is use the yolks as a hair mask after shampoo and conditioner to add mega condition to dry hair. Egg whites used as a hair mask is a primo degreaser and smoothes oily hair fabulously. The hardest or rather fiddliest bit about using raw eggs is the separating of the yolk from the white to suit your particular hair concern. Leave the egg masks to sit on your hair for an hour or so, longer if you can, and rinse clean before styling. No need to point out that you’d be rinsing the egg mask out with tepid water right? But then again, I can’t say I’ve ever tried omelet as a styling product. Who knows? There might just be something to it.

January 10, 2008. beauty tips, grooming, hair, skincare tips. No Comments.

Blooming Beautiful.

“There are flowers everywhere, for those who bother to look.” -Henri Matisse

January 9, 2008. All things beauty, beautiful quotations. No Comments.

Intuit Beauty.

“The beauty seen is partly in him who sees it.” -Christian Nestell


January 8, 2008. All things beauty, beautiful quotations. No Comments.

You’ll Be Sweet!

I have just learned how to make the “sweetest” hair spray at home. What’s even better about this “good enough to eat” hair spray is it’s a 2 ingredient wonder that will provide you with a gentle hold. All you need to make this beauty is a spray bottle, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and 4 tablespoons of hot water. Dissolve the sugar in the hot water, transfer to spray bottle, shake well and spritz on as desired. Too easy!

NB. I can vouch for this gorgeous little homemade hairspray’s effectiveness. However, I can’t say with 100% certainty that the ants won’t adore this hairspray as much, if not more than you. Eek! Only kidding!

January 7, 2008. grooming, hair, new products, beauty tools. No Comments.

Some Fabulously Fun Facts About Our Skin!

Did you know:

Just amazing!

January 6, 2008. skincare, grooming, skincare tips, lips. No Comments.



What kind of grease? Ambergis. I know not why, but I just felt inspired to post a wee spotlight on Ambergris. Ambergris is a product of the Sperm whale’s biliary system and is often found secreted in the whale’s intestines and later excreted. I know, I know, end Discovery Channel-like synopsis already. But this super cool, somewhat sweet, musky and earthy smelling gray or very occasionally blackish waxy, solid, and highly flammable substance has been traditionally used in manufacture of fine perfumes and can be found, albeit rarely, washed up on many shores around the globe. Ambergris is used as a fragrant fixative in perfumery and is often what gives the rather musk-like scent to many perfumes.

Due to Ambergris’ obvious whale connection, it is hardly used these days and quality synthetic Ambergis is incorporated out of preference and remains highly effective for use in fragrance manufacture. At a time, it was prohibited to use Ambergris in fragrance due to its ties to the whaling industry, but the legislature preventing its use was overturned as many believe it not to be a byproduct of the whaling industry. Afterall, Ambergris can be found washed up on shores and harvested far from the presence or contact of Sperm whales still to this day. Although there is currently no prohibition on natural Ambergris’ use, it is often given a wide berth for ecological reasons and sensitivities nonetheless. Betcha didn’t know all that. Pretty neat, hey? Good ole Ambergris.

January 5, 2008. All things beauty, beauty trends, fragrance, beauty tools. No Comments.

A Bit Like Cookies & Milk.

“Beauty is not beauty without love.” -Thomas Campion

January 4, 2008. All things beauty, beautiful quotations. 1 Comment.

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