Beauty Out Equals Beauty In:

Most of us are familiar with the Law of Attraction as it is capably explored and explained in Rhonda Byrne’s’ “The Secret”, but I’d like to lovingly remind you that the very same principles apply to beauty…our beauty. When we are continually thinking negative thoughts about ourselves like, I’m so ugly, I wish I were attractive, I hate my skin, I wish I didn’t have such a funny looking nose etc., Gosh, if I could only loose some weight then I’d look nicer, I’ll never find love, and so on, these negative thoughts are making their way Out There, and as dictated by the Law of Attraction (like attracts like) we expertly attract the very same back into our lives and we tend to get tons more of what’s in direct alignment with our thoughts. In other words, we get more of whom or what we don’t want. G-r-e-a-t-t-t-t!

So the important thing to remember is (seeing that the Universe is not as discerning as we’d like it to be) that we can totally utilize the Law of Attraction to our favour. By regularly and actively affirming what (and whom) we wish to attract into our lives, focusing on the positive and sending only beautiful, loving and supportive thoughts out about ourselves and the Universe will, absolutely, ensure that we abundantly get exactly that back. Not bad, ay? After all, as we like to say here at Chez Beauty Marked!, Beauty Out Equals Beauty In, because beautiful thoughts always lead to beautiful outcomes. And yes…that’s, definitely, a Beauty Marked! promise!

January 23, 2008. All things beauty, beauty tips, grooming, beauty trends, skincare tips, Affirmations. No Comments.

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