All Hail The Seasoned Professional!

Exaltations all round for the original and true doyens of beauty: our mothers, grandmothers, aunties, and all other well put together elder stateswomen to have ever graced our presence. Here! Here! While waiting in the doctor’s surgery to have my hand tended to yesterday, I had a wonderful opportunity to take in some of the most delightful, well put together dears, who even in illness and varying degrees of infirmity still made a gracious effort to allow their inner beauty to manifest outwardly, which was unreservedly beautiful not to mention inspiring. These regal beauties, each and every one, were tidy and well groomed. Some ensured they had lipstick on while others both lipstick and blush. I am sure even a bit of foundation could also be accounted for amongst these gorgeous women. I glanced a recently rinsed and set hairdo and even detected a subtle waft of what would have been a favourite fragrance, no doubt. You could tell, these women had done this many times before. I don’t imagine they would even think of heading out without their face on in some degree, a brush or comb of the hair, or an uplifting spritz of perfume, at the very least. It was so wonderful to see, doubly so because even when not their most sprightly, these magnificent women still made an effort, which heralds the mark of a seasoned and true professional beauty. Just splendid.


August 26, 2007. All things beauty. No Comments.

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