Don’t Forget To Comb Your…

Brush. Brush? Yep, your hair brush and do give it a regular wash as well.. If your anything like me, the brush is often the last thing to hit your head in the morning as you dash out the door to start your day and possibly waved around your hair a bit at night before bed…but only maybe. So really, while brushes are an integral part of our day, they are often used and occasionally abused without much thought. With such frequent yet brief encounters with our hair brushes, we must ensure that we comb them free of hair and give them a gentle but thorough shampooing from time to time. A dust, fluff, oil, product, skin cell and hair free brush works far more effectively and is better for our hair and scalp health than one that’s been neglected and is chockers with “stuff”. Luckily, brushes scrub up a treat when a dob of shampoo is massaged through its bristles and rinsed in warm water. After shampooing your brush, leave it to thoroughly dry with the bristled end over hanging the vanity, desk, or bench top, preferably with the overhanging end bristle-side down so any remaining wetness just falls away from the brush and the air can freely circulate around it. If there’s a great deal of product build-up in your brush, you might like to add a drop of ammonia to the warm shampooy water, as this just turbo charges the shampoo’s grime fighting powers. So how about it? Why not show a bit of love to your faithful bristled friend.

August 23, 2007. grooming, hair, skincare tips. No Comments.

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