A Beauty Full Moon.

While writing this post I am excitedly aware that the moon is currently 99% full. A full moon always reminds me of all things beauty, which she so voluptuously represents. The lore of the moon is positively endless and is just as magical and glowingly vibrant as she is. Through the ages, the moon and her beauty have been revered for possessing great powers and have guided humans and other earthly beings from the beginning of time. This heavenly body’s power is derived purely from her enchanting, mysterious and ever so magnetic beauty. A full moon is also a glorious aide-mémoire of our connection to that which is infinitely beautiful within us all. So, to celebrate all things burgeoning with beauty as gracefully embodied by the full moon, take the opportunity to do something exceedingly beautiFULL for yourself. A blissfully scented bath might be a great place to start perhaps. Mmmm…Enjoy!

Current Moon Phase

July 29, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips. No Comments.

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