What Should You Do?

I must say, I am a complete sucker for those survival shows and books that paint a worse-case scenario and then illustrate a meltdown of a small handful of solutions to run-of-the-mill pickles like: what should you do if you fall through ice, need to jump from roof top to roof top, pass a bribe or foil a UFO abduction or the like? I love them. I just can’t help watching, reading and taking copious mental notes along the way, because you just never know now, do you? I mean, I think I’m cool with how to control a runaway camel, escape from the trunk of a car, or even how to cross a piranha-infested river… but for the life of me, I can still get myself in a tizzy when it comes to a weekend away and deciding what toiletries to pack. Sigh. How does that work?

As I’ve just confessed, I have been known to suffer the occasional dose of Packer’s Anxiety when it comes to those short trips away. I am much better now though, since it has finally dawned on me to use up some of the many billions of sample sachets and miniature jars of all things cosmetic, I have hoarded all my life. These wee tubs of lotions and potions, sachets and swabs of serums, vials of various conditioning concoctions and cleansers are simply perfect. Not only are they perfectly portable, but are fantastic for use for this time period, more than likely, that you are only willing to part with your beloved cosmetic faves of the moment. Of course, our beauty world won’t fall a part (I keep repeating this bit to myself) if we didn’t have the full sizes of our tried and trues, but it sure is comforting to know that we have that small, sample-sized backup to go to just in case.

So dig out those sample sachets and glorious GWP (gift with purchase) sized goodies, pack ‘em and have a great weekend! At the very least, you can be assured that when you surface from the piranha-infested waters, your hair will be perfectly conditioned to withstand your adventures. Not bad, huh?

April 14, 2007. beauty tips. No Comments.

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