The End Is Nigh.
For your beloved skincare items. Now what? I don’t know about you, but to me, it seems such a colossal waste when you have a product or several products in fact, that will not get used before it’s time for them to give up the ghost. I often find myself in this situation, when I have a beauty product that I adore, so I use only the tinciest amount each application so as to prolong its time in my possession. But what I end up doing, without fail, is miscalculating the realistic daily allotment and end up with tons left when the PAO (see Wednesday’s post) and the commencement of regular sniff testing is just around the corner. It’s ridiculous! Even if the products weren’t suited to you for its original intended use, too oily for your liking, or the wrong texture for your face, for example, perhaps they can be used another way. With a little lateral thinking, it may be possible to salvage that moisturizer, scrub, or mask, and then it won’t seem like such a squander when you have to let it go. Simply reinvent its use.
Just a few of my favourite ways to use up skincare items are as follows:
- use facial exfoliants on the decollete, hands, and the tops of feet.
- use gentle gel cleansers without any chemical exfoliants to cleanse makeup brushes.
- use face cleansers with chemical exfoliants (such as AHA, BHA, SA etc.) as body wash.
- use rich night creams as shaving creams (men can get in on the action with this tip too).
- use face masks on the decollete, hands, and back.
- use moisturizing serums (oil based) as hair glosses.
- use untinted lip balms as hair wax for the bitsy look or to slick down rogue strays.
So sorry. I didn’t ear you…
When you cleanse and moisturize, please don’t forget your darling ears! Seriously, how many of us actually extend our facial cleanser and moisturizer to our ears? Ears have feelings too, you know, but most importantly they have skin. The skin on your ears can just as easily fall prey to dryness, eczema, breakouts, hyper pigmentation, or that other thing (touch wood). The skin on our ears can feel neglected, especially when they get treated like a second cousin or better yet, don’t get treated at all. Perhaps because we don’t actually see our ears much, it’s kind of an “out of sight out of mind” kind of thing. I don’t know why this is, but I do know that your ears will thank you for sparing a touch of your skincare goodness just for them. They particularly love a bit of sunblock too. I know, because they told me.
So What’s Beauty Marked! All About?
I have always wanted to start a blog so I thought I would finally give it a go. I am a makeup artist, beauty consultant and beauty writer. I am the head cook and bottle washer of my site and I absolutely adore what I do. My main aim is to make women feel beautiful and to show them how gorgeous they really (already) are. My philosophy about beauty is that we are all beautiful! We are all infinitely beautiful and should be empowered to bring all the beauty that lies abundantly within us to the outside. So really, our inner beauty aught to be reflected in our outer selves as well. I, wholeheartedly, believe that whatever will empower and assist an individual to actualize his or her infinite beauty, self confidence and generosity should be embraced. So that’s what I do. I , joyfully, live my life being of service to those wishing to get even more gorgeous!