We’ve Finally Made It To Instagram!


I know things have been unnervingly quiet here on the blog, but we are most definitely kicking things into gear come the new year. Promise. We’d totally appreciate your continued support and would be thrilled to bits if you’d pop over to our brand spanking new Instagram page and help us get this party started with a follow and a like or three…pretty please with sugar on top! Yes, as you can see, we’re as cheeky as ever. Looking forward to seeing you there!

-BM! x

December 1, 2014. All things beauty. No Comments.

Who Says You Can’t Get Something For Nothing?

OPI and David Jones

Calling all savvy Aussie shoppers! As a one-off exclusive offer for those shopping over the Long Weekend, OPI would like reward you with a complementary bottle of OPI lacquer, with every purchase. Buy any OPI Nail Lacquer 15ml and be rewarded with a second lacquer complimentary from OPI. Go get ‘em Tiger!

October 2, 2013. All things beauty, nails, new products. No Comments.

And The Oscar Nod For The Best Scratch Ever Goes To…

Wynn’s Over Lice�! No, not really, but wouldn’t that be grand? We reckon that if there ever was a category for best scratch or three in a YouTube video, Wynn’s would be a shoe-in. Even though Wynn’s Over Lice� takes getting rid of head lice very seriously, it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun while we are doing it. Do check out the current series of three, fun, 1 minute videos that are sure to generate a scratch and a giggle or more. They’re totally fun!

If you enjoy these fun videos as we are sure you will, Wynn’s would be delighted if you’d like them and or leave comment. Wynn’s Over Lice� is also on Twitter and Facebook too. Thanks! x

January 30, 2013. All things beauty, beauty tips, grooming, hair, beauty trends, head lice. No Comments.

Here’s Hoping Absence Does Make The Heart Grow Fonder!

Hello Beauties!

I know it has been donkey’s years since I’ve posted on my blog. Oh, the shame! I haven’t been 100% AWOL though, it’s more like 98.7%. As I have been gleefully working away doing all the beauty-FULL stuff that I love, but just in different guises. My latest adventure has been to finally get around to bottling a really wonderful all natural, exceedingly effective, Australian made head lice treatment that not only gets rid of head lice, but leaves you with really amazing hair!

As many of you would know, I have a gorgeous tribe of children, seven delightful cherubs to be exact. And more to the point, they have ALL been blessed with some of the thickest, longest, most delectably curly hair you can get, which while at primary school, has proven to be the perfect head lice magnet imaginable. Talk about mixed blessings. Sigh. So, seeing that their hair is such a nit-magnet, I have had plenty to do with getting rid of those often itchy nuisances, sadly. I’ve tried much of the products available on the market, just short of Napalm, and never really got wholly satisfactory results.

Seeing that necessity is the mother of invention, I made some kick butt hair stuff myself. The really cool aspect about developing a head lice product yourself and living and breathing all things beauty as I do, was that I was able to source and then create a treatment that uses the most top shelf ingredients available, that works and delivers great, head lice-free hair. So without further ado, it is my complete pleasure to introduce you to Wynn’s Over Lice�.

Wynn’s Over Lice�, quite naturally…does great hair!

Wynn's Over Lice

Do visit our Wynn’s Over Lice� website for even more details. We also have a Facebook page too, and you can follow us on Twitter as well. We’ve even made a couple of fun, 1 minute youtube videos that you should definitely watch if you’re up for a scratch and a giggle or three. I’ll be back to list those soon. Promise!

Gosh, is it ever so lovely to be back. But most importantly though, thank you so very much for dusting off our Get Even More Gorgeous With Beauty Marked! URL and coming by for a visit. You’ve totally made my day!

December 18, 2012. All things beauty, beauty tips, grooming, hair, new products, head lice. No Comments.

If There Was Such A Thing As Telepathic Writing.

You have no idea how many BM! stories I have put together and practically written them verbatim in my mind (easily hundreds), but not actually gotten around to putting pen to paper or rather fingers to keyboard to upload, which is more to the point. It is times like these when telepathic writing would be massively handy. I have been so busy with the physical, day to day, chore-like stuff that being a mother of 7 children commands, that I haven’t been able to express myself, Beauty Marked!-wise, literally (I suspect there is a bad pun in there somewhere) for ages. So, I made a pact with myself that I was going to let something, by way of errands, slide at least once a week for the next little while to literally and joyously put pen to paper and get back into the swing of doing what I truly adore and am so very passionate about: Getting Even More Gorgeous With Beauty Marked!. Now to choose if it will be tending to the laundry, which has worked its way into a rather tortured abstract/some-what artistic (if you squint and tilt your head about 35 degrees to the left that is) pile of clothes, the much needed culling and charity binning of too small, out dated clothes, shoes or toys that seem to have amassed over the last while, or herding the thriving, not so small colony of dust bunnies that have taken up residence in what seems like every nook and cranny in my home/demolition site? Hmm. Decisions, decisions. I’m not sure what will give, but it will have to be something because I need to feed my spirit and get back to doing (fully) what I love. Plus, as everyone knows…chores keep (sadly), now don’t they?

Looking forward to catching your very lovely self soon!

Beauty Marked! xx

November 17, 2009. All things beauty. 1 Comment.

…And He Comes Blowing His Horn!

Beauty Marked! blissfully welcomed a beautiful blue bundle of joy to the world on the 29th of April, 2009! BM! and the entire BM! clan are beyond overjoyed with our Little Man. Yep, you guessed it, we’re in love…again!


April 29, 2009. All things beauty. 1 Comment.

Beauty Reminded.

“The important thing is to always remember how beautiful you are and to remember that the world around you will not particularly tell you this, so you will have to be real strong in remembering it for yourself. All the validation that is going to come to you about how good you are, in terms of your essential nature, is the validation in which you will give to yourself. Because if you don’t give yourself that validation then even if somebody else is trying to give it to you, you won’t believe them. ” -Marianne Williamson

January 30, 2009. All things beauty, beautiful quotations, Affirmations. No Comments.

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