Argh! I Can’t Hack It Any Longer…


Who said a change was as good as a holiday? What do they know anyway? I tell ya…I have been wanting to post a blog entry since the day after Get Even More Gorgeous With Beauty Marked! Blog’s 1st birthday, but nooooooooooooooooo, I just had to try and have a wee bit of time off to adjust to civilian life. All I have to say about that, Lovely Ones, is that having a break from writing one’s beloved beauty blog is grossly overrated. Talk about itchy (read: approaching decrepitude) typing fingers and a beauty brain that just won’t quit. Nope (shakes head), I miss you all too much and the writing withdrawal is getting bad (to be even more dramatic, sort of picture Steve McQueen in The Great Escape). I just had to stop by and let you all know how much I’m missing opining via note and that all offers of cakes with files in them and super fast, ultra sleek, getaway cars would be gladly appreciated.

*quickly retreats from the computer and crawls back into the cell as to not be detected*

April 5, 2008. All things beauty. No Comments.

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