The V Word.


I’m talking about vanity. According to most definitions of the word vanity, it is generally accepted to mean having a high opinion or pride in one’s appearance or worth. It’s often cavalierly bantered about as being a virtueless quality and something which one oughtn’t strive to have or be, which is largely issued with an insulting intention. Beauty Marked! would just like to go on the record and weigh-in as having said that there is an urgent need to reclaim and reframe this intensely loaded and often injurious word. There is great value, strength and love in acknowledging the vast beauty that is contained in us all, and which is often given wings to rightly soar when one embraces their tremendous worth and infinite beauty which lies both inside and out.

Taking pride in your appearance is a great thing. In doing this, it pays a loving and respectful tribute to the abundance of infinite and inner beauty we all possess. It is more than okay to bring our beauty out to play.

“I can never feel certain of any truth, but from a clear perception of its beauty.”
- John Keats

November 7, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips, grooming, beauty trends, beauty tools, makeup trends, beautiful quotations. No Comments.

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