The Perfect Pillow.

Nothing like it, hey? But in this instance, I’m talking about the perfect pillow for exfoliating and polishing the face. Alpha-H has created the nattiest pillow-like pads designed to gently and effectively remove expired skin cells from the face while jump-starting the skin’s metabolism to re-invigorate lackluster, tired skin. Each Resurfacé Dual Effect Peeling Pad by Alpha-H is constructed from cotton and has two differently textured sides which tend to either the business of considerately polishing the skin on it’s smoother side or giving a slightly more vigorous exfoliation with its more corrugated side. The Resurfacé Dual Effect Peeling Pads are moistened with a blend of licorice root extract and glycolic acid, which work to tighten, refine pores and to clarify the skin.

Are you a bit worried about the presence of the word peeling in the name of this product? *whispers* So was I on first read. But after trialing them, I saw that there was no real cause for concern as it absolutely didn’t cause snake-like shedding. Phew! I suspect you will find this as well, that is, unless gylcolic acid/AHAs in low levels get you into strife on the whole or you have really sensitive or delicate skin. Resurfacé Dual Effect Peeling Pads used one evening a week or up to 3 times a week maximum will only work in concert with your current skincare regime to assist in achieving your gorgeous skincare goals. In fact, they really do come into their own when used on troublesome areas that appear to be a little slower in responding to your current skincare regime, like the T-Zone generally or other areas which tend to be more prone to congestion. Alpha-H Resurfacé Dual Effect Peeling Pads are absolutely worth keeping in your armoire and using to maintain stellar skin!

Visit for your local stockist and to learn more about the entire Alpha-H range.

November 2, 2007. skincare, new products, beauty tools, skincare tips. No Comments.

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