Pink Ribbon Day!

Think of this post as a not so gentle but ever-so-graceful reminder that today is Pink Ribbon Day! So if you haven’t done so already, do be sure to buy a pink ribbon or more in support of Pink Ribbon Day 2007. Here’s a brilliant fact for you: Thanks to you, over the last 6 years, supporters of The Cancer Council’s Pink Ribbon events have raised over $9 million dollars to help fund breast cancer research, support services, and prevention campaigns. How very excellent is that?! Brava! Imagine what today’s concerted efforts will add to this marvelous campaign with all of our help. *rolls up shirt sleeves and cheerfully pulls out wallet* Let’s do this! *happy dance* …Here’s to a great day!

-BM! x

October 22, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips, new products, beauty trends. No Comments.

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