What’s Old Is New Again.

Early Egyptian civilizations were the first to show a demonstrated commitment to the use of cosmetics. The eye was the main feature chosen by early Egyptians for embellishment. Sounds like a civilization after my own heart, truth be told. The gemstones, Lapis Lazuli and Malachite were often ground up to a powder and used to magically highlight their eyes. It seems like they were amongst the first to be hip to mineral makeup too, by the sounds of it. It’s so very intriguing to bare witness to how beauty of the ancients lives on in the trends of today.
eyeofhorus.gif lapismalachite.jpg

May 31, 2007. All things beauty, makeup, beauty trends, makeup trends. 3 Comments.


  1. Heather replied:

    that’s hot : - )

    May 31st, 2007 at 1:46 pm. Permalink.

  2. kia replied:

    cool post! i love it.. right out of egypt!

    June 1st, 2007 at 12:04 am. Permalink.

  3. Toya replied:

    I love the look of mysterious, kohl-rimmed eyes.

    June 4th, 2007 at 11:11 pm. Permalink.

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