Quiet Achiever.
I thought it would have been remiss of me not to mention this pot of skincare gold: Living Nature Purifying Cleanser. Talk about a quiet achiever! I have been using this cleanser fairly regularly for the last few months and am absolutely certain it has kept my skin in good stead. Living Nature Purifying Cleanser appears as your run of the mill ecologically aware, friend to all product, but on closer inspection it is a whole lot more. Purifying Cleanser by Living Nature, has one of the shortest ingredient lists of any cleanser I’ve seen and that’s a great thing. The ingredient list is free from synthetics, preservatives, and parabens. Kumerahou, to naturally rebalance the skin’s oils and to gently cleanse, and Manuka honey to promote clear skin are the hero ingredients that quietly get on with considerately cleansing the skin and promoting skin clarity. The packaging is not only 100% recyclable but is packed in a positively loaded manner. Being positively loaded means that the bottle opens from the base and is gravity fed as a result. This method of opening protects the product from the effects of air, more specifically oxygen, which can be so degrading and will eventually spoil any skincare product, particularly ones such as Living Nature’s which are preserved without artificial interference. Living Nature is a New Zealand company that is distributed in over 12 countries worldwide. Living Nature Skincare products are proudly made of New Zealand. Purifying Cleanser does, indeed, live up to Living Nature’s aim to protect, nurture and enhance the lives of its users. Absolutely worth a look!
- A replied:
Where do you buy it and how much is it? (and the quantity)
May 29th, 2007 at 2:01 pm. Permalink.
- Beauty Marked! replied:
$40 AUD. The site is your best bet for local stockist details, which had free shipping when last I looked.
Living Nature
My local chemist and DJs have it, so I suspect it’s not too tricky to find.
May 29th, 2007 at 2:07 pm. Permalink.