Scary But True.

Tweezerman ILashcomb™ is quite possibly one of the scariest beauty tools I have seen in all my beautiFULL life, but amongst the most effective at de-clumping and separating eyelashes. It’s true. Tweezerman ILashcomb™ is a fabulous tool for both gently and effectively creating gorgeous lashes. The business end of the Tweezerman ILashcomb™ looks like it could really do someone a mischief. The gold plated teeth effortlessly glide through your curled (of course) then mascara-ed lashes like it’s nobody’s business, removing any clumpy bits of mascara all the while liberating each lash from the next. Do be sure to comb away from your eye. Ideally, you’ll comb with your eye open, but if you’re feeling a little unsteady of hand, feel free to comb your lashes with your eye lightly closed. Another nifty bonus with this beauty tool, is that it makes ALL mascaras look good: from the cheap and cheerful to the high end extravaganzas. *whispers* In fact, after using the Tweezerman ILashcomb™ it’s darn near impossible to distinguish which mascara is top shelf and which is not. The teeth of the Tweezerman ILashcomb™ fold compactly away into the handle for protection (both it’s and yours, I suspect). I clean mine between uses by gently wiping the teeth with an alcohol swab. Tweezerman ILashcomb™ doesn’t take well to being submerged in liquids either. Liquid seems to shorten it’s life-span tremendously. I know this because I’m onto my second Tweezerman ILashcomb™ for this very reason. Doh! Check out Tweezerman or Dateline Imports for your nearest stockist.

May 1, 2007. mascara, beauty tools. No Comments.

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