United We Stand…

Especially when it comes to wearing nail polish on both the fingers and the toes. Although it’s only classed a misdemeanor to wear different coloured polish on our hands and feet at the same time, it’s a beauty offense nonetheless (punishable by 50 lashes with a thread of silk when last we checked). Your overall look is so much more “well put together” when your immaculately applied (of course) nail polish stands in unison to be present and accounted for. So, what happens when you “must” wear those gloriously strappy sandals or peep toe shoes and you know good and darn well that the jig will be up if you go baring both your fingers and your toes? Just remove the polish from either one or the other and reapply the matching colour to the offending limb or remove the polish from your fingers, do a quick shape, buff, and moisturize and away you go. Unpolished toes are often only rocked with polished fingers as a last resort by the way. Needless to say, if the polish is a little worse for wear, lose it. Better to wear nothing and buff than wear mismatched polish or any polish, for that matter, that’s past it’s prime.

It almost goes without saying, that keeping a bottle of nail polish remover on standby is a must. Consider it a beauty staple. What happens when those rare occasions arise when you find yourself caught out without a single drip of remover? Yes, it has been known to happen to the best of us. Simply apply a thick coat of clear polish on top of the polish you want to remove and quickly and firmly wipe it straight off. This aught to remove the polish in a pinch. Keep this little trick up your sleeve for such times when it just may come in handy.

Only because I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to skite about my new favourite polish colours of the minute, have a look at Creative Nail Design’s latest offering: The Look Colour Collection. Utterly gorgeous!

Creative nail polish

April 9, 2007. beauty tips, nails. No Comments.

Eggceedingly Beautiful!

Just how beautiful are the faces of the children as they race around hunting for eggs on Easter Sunday or when they happen past the tell tale signs that the Easter bunny was on the hop just for them (a trail of talcum powdered paw prints at our place)? What about when their gorgeous little selves discover their Easter basket is filled with Easter goodness (read: chocolate crack) and their food colouring stained fingers (from egg dying the night before) reach skillfully for the biggest chocolate bunny, duck, or egg they can find, whip off the foil wrapping and decapitate that poor chocky creature in one deft bite. Wrappers are flying left, right and centre, like a colourful tornado of fabulous foils blowing through the room. It’s amazing! Yes amazing, until the sugar shock sets in. Then the mind quickly shifts to thoughts of Ritalin Easter eggs and why you didn’t think to purchase any of those (another one of life’s classic blunders). Never mind. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? Just another opportunity to take in the abundance of loveliness in our beautiFULL world.

Pretty child

April 8, 2007. All things beauty. No Comments.

If you tell anyone, I’ll have to…

Danielle Steel fragrance

Okay, well, maybe not kill you. I cannot believe how much I love this fragrance. It’s almost embarrassing. When I heard that the best selling author, dedicated mother and philanthropist, Danielle Steel, was coming out with a fragrance, I was like, yeah, whatever… One less fragrance for me to lemm over. Boy, was I wrong. I find myself actually getting excited to reach for this gorgeous bottle of Danielle to spritz this fabulous scent on. I kid you not. I have completely gone for the ride with this one. Danielle is, indeed, the lush fresh floriental that opens with a fresh burst of watery green notes, that moves into an ultra-feminine floral heart and a rich base that slowly reveals darker facets. Maybe it’s the darker facets that grab me, dunno? I most certainly adore the perfume’s bottle too. Apparently, the bottle is inspired by Danielle Steel’s love of fine crystal. I’d have to agree with Danielle Steel that the bold silhouette, perfect clarity, and luxurious heavy weight glass of this design is both graceful and feminine while exuding a quite strength. It, absolutely, engenders that in me too. Danielle by Danielle Steel is on counter from tomorrow.

April 7, 2007. new products, fragrance. No Comments.

Good Rabbit Pie Day.

I don’t know about in your neck of the woods, but in mine, everything is shut or simply not interested today. After all, it’s Good Friday! What a perfect day for beauty maintenance. I’m thinking more along the lines of facials, manis, pedis, waxing, and eyebrow sorting. You know, those things we often don’t get time to tend to during the week, but wish we had. Yep, that’s exactly what I mean. Since there’s not much else to do, but perhaps get stuck into those house chores that have been niggling away at you…nah, they’ll keep, so why not? Give that nail polish colour a go. Refresh your brow shape. Get those toes a twinkling. Pamper yourself, for no other reason than you deserve it! Enjoy!

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run…

April 6, 2007. All things beauty, beauty tips. No Comments.

My Everything…

Everything Balm
This day is without a doubt a day where I have really needed to actively seek out my happy place. Cue the violins, please. Computer troubles, unsettled baby dramas, “tween” angst (not me, my daughter), toddler woes, husband… blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yes, up until I grabbed Trilogy Everything Balm, it appeared that my day was, well and truly, circling the drain.

Admittedly, it hasn’t done a darn thing for my computer, but it has sorted out the baby’s sore bottom, settled the toddler’s itchy bug bites, worked a treat on my 12 year old daughter’s chapped lips and dry elbows, managed to tame that wayward cowlick she was carrying on about, and saved me from later regretting biting off that pain in the butt dry cuticle that was driving me to distraction. Now that I’ve applied the balm to just about everything in my close proximity with a pulse, the stress levels have abated substantially, as I’m surrounded with much happier campers now. As the Trilogy slogan says, “Everything Balm just makes you feel good.”

All my dramas ‘that-have-now-been-nearly-sorted’ aside, do check out this gorgeous, natural fixer upper. Not only is this balm loaded with natural goodness, it is preservative, PEGs, silicone, synthetic colours and fragrances, and paraben free, but is packaged in such an environmentally considerate way as well. Not a single hideously toxic dye is used in the packaging’s printing nor naughty chemicals in the manufacture of it’s recyclable box. It is well and truly, Cleaner, Greener, Healthier Skin Care. Ticks (checks for our North American friends) abound!

You can visit Trilogy’s website for details: www.trilogyproducts.com

April 5, 2007. skincare, new products, lips. 2 Comments.

It’s not true. Don’t listen to them.

What? Well it’s not. Good things don’t come to those who wait. This is especially so where beauty is concerned.

In all things beauty, being proactive is the key to getting even more gorgeous. Everyone’s beauty has to be claimed. No point in hanging around waiting for that first pimple or wrinkle to appear before we start looking after our skin. Get stuck into a great skincare routine that suits and without a doubt includes a sensational sunscreen. Start early or just get started.

So many of us never gave an effective skincare regime a thought prior to our first blemish outbreak of the most catastrophic kind. Be it an onslaught of adolescent acne, hormonal eruptions, pigmentation, flakies, or rogue patches of redness for starters, head troublesome skin off at the pass.

So where and when do you start? By simply cleansing the skin at least once daily, but preferably twice a day (morning and night), moisturise each time you cleanse, exfoliate responsibly (which means weekly by the way), and wear sunscreen every day is a perfect way to start. These skincare basics will certainly hold you in good stead when it comes to claiming beautiful skin. Drinking loads of water works a treat too! I am really fond of throwing a fabulous clay mask into the mix once a week also. Pre teens or “tweens” of both varieties, can really benefit from being educated in and commencing even the very basics of skincare. After all, we are fastidious about things like teaching our young ones about oral hygiene and think nothing of keeping them clean and bathed, from early on, so why drop the ball now?

In Australia, a few months back, Bellaboo™ skincare range was launched. This funky skincare line is aimed at young girls and offers them an effective skincare option that is packed with loads of great botanicals like Sea Buckthorn berry and devoid of all those chemical nasties that only serve to irritate and prolong our deserved beauty. You can check out Bellaboo™ at her website: www.bellaboobabe.com and groove your way onto getting more gorgeous!

www.zitshappen.com.au is a great offering by Clinique. The zitshappen website chronicles the journey of 3 teenage volunteers that are trialling Clinique’s Anti-Blemish Solutions 3-Step System over a four week period as they combat their pimple problems. You can find loads of tips from the experts and beauty editor types (like yours truly) and share in the real life experiences of the girls as they blog their way on the journey to claiming great skin.

So, don’t wait around to get even more gorgeous…go for it now!

April 4, 2007. All things beauty, skincare. No Comments.

You just never know where you’ll end up.

Apologies for the delay in posting my blog entry for today. (cue the violins) I’ve been swamped. It’s been a bit of a crazy day at work and have only just returned to my computer now…

Truth be told… I was busy going for a country drive, attending a hootenanny of a presentation in a most gorgeous country homestead, making gourmet citrus oils and vinegar under the tutelage of an esteemed country chef, wine tasting in the quaintest of vineyards, going for a helicopter ride (as you do), dodging geese poo, and overindulging in a glorious cottage garden picnic lunch while surrounded by the most breathtaking antique roses ever to be seen. Yep, it’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.

Sydney Beauty Editors were treated to a divine half day, country “get away” for the relaunch of Garnier Fructis Hair products. As of June 2007, Garnier Fructis is relaunching it’s “Take Care” campaign which is all about strength, health, and shine. New Garnier Fructis actively targets, treats and strengthens all the zones of your hair (the surface, the cuticle, the cortex, and the root). I haven’t yet had the pleasure of sampling the products from this newly renovated brand, but I am looking forward to it, as it’s clear from the launch that the Garnier Fructis range is broadening it’s market. You can be sure to hear more of the Garnier Fructis Relaunch in the coming months. Stay tuned.

As quiet (or not so quiet) as it’s kept, I had a brilliant day. I’m not sure how tomorrow’s day full of chores will ever compare? But, after all, you never know where you’ll end up, do you? *crosses fingers*

In the air

in flight

flying high

April 3, 2007. hair, new products. No Comments.

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